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"Welcome back Mr. Phelps."

- W.J. Flywheel, Webporium Curator



1.  The Killer

September 23, 1988

"Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it..."

- voice on disc

When an IMF team leader is assassinated, Jim Phelps comes out of retirement and assembles a new team to bring the killer to justice. The trail leads the IMF team to a hit man going by the name of Matthew Drake and a powerful underworld leader known only as "Scorpio".

Director: Cliff Bole, Writer: Arthur Weiss

Guest starring: John de Lancie

The original Star Trek and the original Mission: Impossible were both filmed at Desilu studios. As a result, many character actors were seen on both shows in memorable ways. There is an interesting continuation of this in the second MI series and in Star Trek: The Next Generation. John de Lancie plays the unpredictable main antagonist in both pilot episodes.

2The System

September 30, 1988

"Good morning, Jim. The man you're looking at is Bob Connors, a crime syndicate boss of the eastern seaboard. Connors has managed to evade the law for over ten years. However, a federal grand jury recently indicted Connors, and he's been on bail awaiting trial. But in spite of police protection, the state's only witness has been murdered. Only one other man knows enough to convict Connors, but law enforcement agencies are convinced that man will never talk. Frank Marley is Connors' protege, and is being groomed to eventually succeed him as head of the syndicate. Marley's current operation is running the syndicate's hotel/casino in the Bahamas. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to ensure Connors' conviction, and thereby deliver a body blow to the entire world of organized crime. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

Jim Phelps and his team of agents get the mission to find the evidence and testimony necessary to put notorious crime ringleader Bob Connors, who have managed to escape justice for more than 10 years, in prison for good. The only person who knows enough about Connor's business dealings to provide this testimony is however a man who will never talk - Frank Marley. Apart from being Connors's close friend and protégé, Marley is according to reports secretly being groomed to take over Connor's business empire when he eventually retires. The team decide to move in on Marley in order to try to wreck his friendship with Connors, and thus loosen Marley's tongue.

Director: Cliff Bole, Writer: Robert Hamner

Guest starring: Frank Marley, Gus Mercurio, Jaye Paul

"The System" was one of four episodes of the 1960s "Mission: Impossible" that were remade during the 1988-89 television season. (A strike by the Writer's Guild in Hollywood initially precluded new scripts from being written for the series reboot, so the producers of the new series initially decided to re-use 13 scripts from the original version.) Ultimately, four scripts were recycled; besides this one, they were "The Killer," "The Condemned," and "The Legacy." This episode, writer Robert Hamner's only contribution to the original series, had originally been broadcast January 26th, 1969.

3.  Holograms

November 6, 1988

"Good morning, Jim. Three years ago, Col. Gregory Usher declared himself president for life. Since then, his country has been one of the world's leading producers of processed cocaine. Usher is under indictment in the US for his drug trafficking, but has been impossible to extradite from his heavily armed compound outside the country's capital, and all attempts for a democratic overthrow of the government have failed as Usher maintains a firm grasp on power with the help of his chief of secret police Major Duvall who, several days ago, organized the murder of Usher's only political opponent. Your mission Jim, if you choose to accept it, is to neutralize Major Duvall and lure Colonel Usher out of his compound and onto US-controlled soil where he may be arrested. As always, should you or any of your IM force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

Jim Phelps and his team of agents get the mission to extradite Colonel Gregory Usher to the United States legal system. A self-declared president in his country recognised for their large production of processed cocaine, Colonel Usher has been sought after for some time, wanted for his extensive world-wide drug trafficking.

Director: Kim Manners, Writer: Robert Brennan

Guest starring: Gerard Kennedy, William Zappa

When Nicholas pulls up in front of the getaway helicopter, the boom mic operator's reflection can be seen on the side of the car.

4.  The Condemned

November 20, 1988

"Good morning, Jim. Three months ago, an Englishman named George Stanton was murdered in his home in Istanbul, where he was living in exile, apparently on the proceeds of his investments. A corrupt Turkish police officer, Lieutenant Yusuf Hamidou, was rewarded with promotion to Captain and control of Istanbul's major prison for his prompt arrest of the alleged murderer. It was a particularly brutal crime; Stanton was shot in the face with a sawed-off shotgun. The Turkish courts have sentenced the alleged killer to death, but we believe he's innocent, and that Hamidou himself was somehow involved with the crime. The condemned man is scheduled to be hanged at dawn three days from today in this prison. Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept it, is to obtain the release of the condemned man and to bring the corrupt Captain Hamidou to justice. There is one more thing you must be told, Jim: the alleged killer is a past member of your team, and an old friend. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

Jim Phelps and his team of agents get the mission to free and clear the name of a retired American IMF-agent falsely imprisoned of murder in Istanbul. Now impending execution in Turkey, the former agent in question appears to have been set up by a crooked policeman named Captain Hamidou, who have built his whole career in the police force with corruption, murder and bribery. By making a quick arrest in this murder case, Hamidou earned himself a hefty promotion. An extra twist in the case turns out to be that the agent in need of rescue happens to be Jim's old colleague, and Grant's father, Barney Collier...

Director: Cliff Bole / Michael Fisher, Writer: Ted Roberts, Michael Fisher, John Truman

Guest starring: Greg Morris, Anna-Maria Monticelli

The "John Truman" who is credited with the "story" for this episode is actually writer Laurence Heath, who wrote more episodes of the original Mission: Impossible than anyone else. Heath objected to the "recycling" of his original screenplay from January, 1968 as the source material for this episode during the 1988 writer's strike in Hollywood. While he could not legally prevent the re-use of his screenplay, he was able to have his name removed from this episode.

5.  The Legacy

November 26, 1988

"Good morning, Jim. In the last days of Adolf Hitler's life, before he committed suicide to avoid capture, he organized a secret plan, a legacy that he hoped would enable a future generation of Nazis to accomplish what he had failed to do. That legacy was a hoard of gold, looted from the cathedrals and castles of Europe, and worth five billion dollars on today's markets. It was hidden away and has never been found. Only four of Hitler's trusted officers knew where the gold was hidden, a secret that's been handed down from father to son to grandson. We believe that the four grandsons are now ready to claim the fortune, and use it to fund terrorism and other activities, to revive a Nazi movement in western Europe. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to find that gold before they can get to it. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

When the sons of four Nazis come together to recover a fortune in gold and create the Fourth Reich, the team must infiltrate the group and locate the gold.

Director: Kim Manners, Writer: Allan Balter / Michael Lynn

Guest starring: Shane Briant, Steven Grives, Judson Scott, Raymond Duparc

6.  The Wall

December 11, 1988

"Good morning, Jim. Dr. Wolfgang Gerstner's practice in East Berlin is a front for an extensive black market operation, which includes an escape route for those who want to reach the West - except most of those people never make it. This man is Colonel Joseph Batz, East German Security. He's Gerstner's partner. They are responsible for the death or imprisonment of over one hundred men, women, and children. Their profits depend on the continuation of the Berlin Wall, and the political tension it symbolizes. This girl is Ilse Bruck. Her father, a key West German negotiator at the trade talks beginning in three days' time, was sent this photograph. Gerstner has kidnapped the girl, and has placed her in an artificially-induced coma. He has offered to trade her life for the failure of the negotiations between East and West. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to find the girl, bring her back across the Wall, and put Dr. Gerstner out of business. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

A East German doctor makes money by tricking political refugees into paying to use his escape route, and kidnaps a diplomat's daughter to prevent the reunification which would make his services obsolete. The IMF must rescue the girl, who is trapped on a life support machine with time running out.

Director: Colin Budds, Writer: David Phillips

Guest starring: Peter Curtin, Melinda Fiddling

7.  The Cattle King

December 18, 1988

"Good morning, Jim. You are looking at the outback of Australia, where some of the "cattle stations", as they call the ranches, are bigger than the state of Texas. One of these Texas-sized stations belongs to Douglas Matthews: cattle breeder, miner, investor, more gambler than businessman. He has been saved from bankruptcy more than once by his most profitable sideline - international arms dealing. Recently, one hundred Stinger Mark II ground-to-air missiles were stolen. They were bought by Matthews, who resold half of them to a terrorist group. Matthews has yet to deliver those missiles, but is expected to move them within the next three days. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to prevent those missiles reaching the terrorists, and to put Matthews out of business. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

The IMF teams up with Australian aborigines to bring down a superstitious cattle king and arms dealer.

Director: Mike Vejar, Writer: Ted Roberts

Guest starring: David Bradshaw, Pat Galvin, Warren Owens

8The Pawn

January 15, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. Gregor Antonov is one of Europe's ranking chess masters, and a scientist in a major Soviet defense project. His wife died five years ago, and he has become increasingly disenchanted with his work in the arms race. The killing of Antonov's son, an outspoken critic in the anti-nuclear movement, has made Antonov determined to defect to the West with his 15-year-old daughter, Sasha. Soviet officials are aware of this, and security around Antonov is ironclad. This week, Antonov will be competing in the world chess championships in Czechoslovakia. Security will be extremely tight, perhaps impregnable. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to smuggle Antonov and his daughter out of Czechoslovakia. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

When a Russian scientist and chess player decides to defect, Nicholas must take his place under the watchful eyes of the KGB while the rest of the team gets the scientist and his daughter out of the country.

Director: Brian Trenchard-Smith, Writer: Billy Marshall-Stoneking

Guest starring: Bryan Marshall, Ainsley McWhirter, David Brown

9The Haunting

January 28, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. The abandoned amusement park you're standing in is the last place Princess Jehan of an oil-rich emirate state was last seen alive. The Princess was in Hawaii as a university student when she disappeared. Though her body was never found, all signs point to a violent death. Her father, ruler of his country and one of the wealthiest men in the world, was shattered by the loss of his daughter. He bought this amusement park and had it shut down in a vain search for clues. With the police's failure to solve the mystery, he has become angered by the lack of justice, so much so that it is feared that he will soon pull his country out of a fragile oil trade alliance, which could throw the economies of a number of Western countries into chaos. The maddening part is that the police are sure that this man is the killer. In fact, they believe that he is connected to at least a half a dozen murders throughout the world. His name is Champ Foster. He comes from a wealthy family, and when he's not yachting around the world, lives on the family estate just outside Honolulu with his domineering mother. Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept it, is to find out what happened to the Princess Jehan, and, if Champ Foster did kill her, see to it that he is brought to justice before the crucial trade talks begin in three days' time. As always, if you or any members of your IM Force are caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

When a rich young sociopath kills a Middle Eastern princess and her father threatens war, the IMF must bring him to justice.

Director: Mike Vejar, Writer: Michael Fisher

Guest starring: Parker Stevenson, Janis Paige, Joanna Lockwood


10The Lions

February 4, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. The kingdom of Bajan-Du is on the verge of a political crisis. The late king was an enlightened man, determined to lead his people into the modern world. His widow, the queen, was Lady Michelle Faulkner, a British subject. Her son, Prince Miklos, was being educated in England; he is the heir presumptive to the throne. He will be the next king of Bajan-Du unless this man stops him. He is Ki, the late king's brother. He hates the West, and flirts with Eastern alliances. We have learned that Ki has devised a plan that will not only prevent the boy from becoming king, but will cost young Miklos his life. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to block Ki's plan, and give Prince Miklos his fair chance to claim the throne. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

A king's son returns to his Asian country to take the test that will confirm him as the king, but his uncle, a rabid anti-American, has rigged it so that he can fail, so the IMF must rig it back.

Director: Rob Stewart / David Phillips, Writer: James Crown

Guest starring: James Shigeta, Jeremy Angerson, Diane Craig

Grant Collier (Phil Morris) jumps from a plane wearing a rectangular black parachute yet, when he lands, he is wearing a circular white chute.

11The Greek

February 11, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. One of our agents was recently killed in southeast Asia while keeping surveillance on this man. Socrates Collonades is a Greek tycoon, who uses his luxury yacht to smuggle drugs stolen from international relief organizations, drugs meant as medical supplies for Third World countries. In so doing, Collonades deprives desperate people of the medical assistance they need. Collonades has built a network of international dealers to distribute these drugs throughout the world as drugs of addiction. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to neutralize Collonades, and to ensure that his organization no longer preys on the sick and starving of the Third World. As always, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

Jim and Grant must get close to a Greek billionnaire who runs a black market drug ring, and turn his partners against him.

Director: Colin Budds, Writer: Ted Roberts

Guest starring: Cesare Danova, Nicholas Hammond, Simon Palomares

12The Fortune

February 18, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. While in power, Luis Berezan ruled his country with an iron fist, but the real power belonged to his wife, Emelia. Political opponents by the thousands disappeared at her orders. When Berezan fell ill last year, a popular revolution made the country unsafe for the dictator. He and his wife sought asylum in the U.S., but only after emptying the country's treasury. With their investments in the hands of this man, Carl Crothers, they continue to live in absolute luxury, while the country they left behind is bankrupt, and the people starving. Emelia Berezan is obsessed with dreams of returning to her country, and wresting power from the people. Their vast illegal fortune could make this coup possible. Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept it, is to find and return the money the Berezans stole from the national treasury. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

A team member is killed on solo assignment against the wife of a mentally-weak exiled dictator, and the others resolve to bring them both to justice.

Director: Rod Hardy, Writer: Robert Brennan

Guest starring: Mitzi Gaynor, BarBara Luna, Michael Pate, Noel Trevarthen

When Grant parachutes out of the plane, we see mountains in the distance. The nearest mountains to the Florida Keys are in northern Georgia. The satellite dishes on the house are pointed in opposite directions very low to the ground. To receive signals in the Florida Keys, the dishes should be pointing much higher and both in a southerly direction.

When Jim lays the player that provides his mission instructions on the table, Australian electric sockets are seen, where the series was filmed, even though MI is set in the United States.

13The Fixer

February 25, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. This is Washington columnist Arthur Six. His career as a highly successful columnist and broadcaster has given him information which he uses to intimidate, blackmail, and bribe. Some of the most powerful people in business, government, and the law are in his pocket. Senator Tom Oxenford is his main adversary. Oxenford has initiated Congressional hearings. He wants Six indicted by a grand jury on charges that Six is part of a conspiracy which has defrauded the government of more than five hundred million dollars. Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept it, is to find and neutralize Six's secret files, and to make certain he is indicted. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

A Washington journalist uses his connections to gain information to blackmail politicians, posing a threat to the U.S.

Director: Colin Budds, Writer: Walter Brough

Guest starring: Richard Romanus, Terence Donovan, John Calvin

14.  Spy

March 18, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. The man we are going to ask you to go after will be the most dangerous adversary you've ever faced, for in effect, John Christie used to be one of us, a top operative for almost twenty years with MI-6, the British secret intelligence service. Somewhere in the last five years of his service, Christie went bad. He began by selling to both sides, and then expanded his client list to include terrorists on three different continents, who, partly by using Christie's knowledge, have been able to avoid capture. It's Christie's latest enterprise that has us most concerned. The chemicals he's seen inspecting here were bought and shipped in such quantity that they could have only one purpose: the making of chemical weapons on a huge scale. Two of MI-6's agents and one of ours have either disappeared or been murdered trying to find out where Christie was going to manufacture his chemical weapons. Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept it, is to find Christie's plant and stop it and him before he starts to manufacture and sell his terrible weapons. As always, if you or any member of the IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

Christie, an ex-MI6 agent sells lethal chemical weapons and the IMF must team up with a Russian spy whose people also want to eliminate the threat. Jim goes to meet Christie under the guise of being a diamond merchant who is buying the diamonds he is selling to finance his operation. But Christie upon learning who Jim is tries to kill him.

Director: Rob Stewart, Writer: Michael Fisher

Guest starring: Shane Briant, Francine Bell, Tim Hughes, Raymond Chan

15.  The Devils

March 25, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. In the past year, two high-ranking Western diplomats based in London, men entrusted with many of their countries' secrets, have committed suicide, and yet another, an American, has been committed to an asylum for the insane. There seems to be only one thing the diplomats had in common. They were all regular guests of this man, Lord Holman, third Baron of Saffron-Compton, a wealthy member of the British House of Lords, and, we believe, a traitor to his country. We suspect that Holman involves his guests in some sort of disreputable activity, then uses this to blackmail them into selling state secrets. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to establish whether Holman is guilty, and to ensure he pays for his crimes. As always, should you or any member of the IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

A rash of insanity among diplomats requires Jim to go undercover as... the Devil, to get the goods on a British lord in charge of a Satanic cult.

Director: Arch Nicholson, Writer: Ted Roberts

Guest starring: Tiffany Lamb, Robin Bowering, Kylie Fitzpatrick, Murray Foy

16.  The Plague

April 8, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. The man you're looking at is General Dupuis. He was shot dead yesterday after a break-in at a military institute in Paris. We believe he was being blackmailed, and was subsequently murdered after fulfilling his part in a scheme inspired by this woman, Catherine Balzac. Balzac is a ruthless entrepreneur who traffics in black market intelligence. In the last eighteen months, she has been responsible for the trading of code red information on top secret developments in weaponry. Her latest coup could result in the death and disfigurement of millions. Western scientists, working in top secret laboratories, developed a new strain of bacteria code named "Xerxes", which greatly accelerates the aging process of human vital organs. So horrific was this new development that all research into it was abandoned and records destroyed. It was the only remaining sample of the Xerxes bacteria that Balzac obtained from the theft, and has offered for sale as a weapon. Jim, if the stolen bacteria is being stored in unsafe conditions, it could create a major disaster within 72 hours. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to recover this most deadly substance and neutralize Catherine Balzac. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

An industrial spy prepares to sell a vial of bacteria, unaware of how virulent it is if accidentally released.

Director: Colin Budds, Writer: Rick Maier

Guest starring: Maud Adams, Jane Badler, Bryon Williams

17.  Reprisal

April 15, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. On the 27th of last month, one of your former team members, Laura Ann Wilson, was viciously murdered. What is most bizarre about the case is that your fingerprints were found at the scene. We know you were in Thailand on the night of the 27th; the local authorities, of course, are not privileged to the classified information of your whereabouts, and consider you the key suspect. However, through the intercession of the Secretary, they have agreed to keep the details confidential for one week and will not issue a warrant for your arrest. Jim, someone has tried to frame you for this murder; your mission, which I feel you must accept, will be to find the person who is framing you and stop him. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

A deranged ex-IMFer targets retired IMF agents, killing them and framing Jim Phelps for the crimes. The IMF gives Jim only a little time to prove his innocence before they must turn him over to the authorities.

Director: Rob Stewart, Writer: Walter Brough

Guest starring: David Cameron, Lynda Day George, Marshall Napier, Chelsea Brown

18.  Submarine

April 29, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. The USS Concord was one of the newest submarines to join our Pacific fleet. Two days ago, she was lost at sea, apparently the result of sophisticated sabotage. The loss has been temporarily kept from the press. Only three of her crew survived via their escape bells. These survivors confirm that the Concord blew apart at the moment of a retaliatory torpedo launch against a radio beacon similar to this. The beacon was a fatal lure for the Concord, and our information from black market intelligence confirms its destructiveness comes from a computer virus. East-West arms negotiations cancelled development of these weapons on both sides three years ago. Since almost all modern ships are controlled by computer, the unpredictable results of this technology could undermine the balance of power and threaten world peace. Our intelligence agencies are convinced that the sinking was a ruthless demonstration for this man, Etienne Reynard, weapons procurer for an extremist state. Surveillance suggests he is negotiating to purchase the computer virus to wreak havoc on US shipping in the Gulf. The virus program must be discovered, so that countermeasures can be developed. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to obtain that virus program, and put its creators permanently out of the arms business. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

A retired admiral prepares to sell a computer virus that can sink any naval vessel, but the plan goes awry when he destroys the computer "cure" before the IMF can get it. Now they must force the admiral to reveal the "cure."

Director: Colin Budds, Writer: Dale Duguid

Guest starring: Mitchell Ryan, Jonathan Hardy, David Woodley

19.  Bayou

May 6, 1989

"Good morning, Jim. This is Diane Martin, the 18-year-old daughter of a noted Houston industrialist. One week ago, she disappeared while spending a weekend in New Orleans. Her wealthy father believes she's been kidnapped and has been waiting for a ransom demand. That demand may never come. We believe she has fallen victim to this man, Jake Morgan. Authorities think he is responsible for the disappearance of over one hundred young women during the past two years, but they have yet to prove anything against him. We believe he is the main supplier for an international white slavery ring that sells women to the highest bidders in Asian and African countries. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to rescue Diane Martin and prove that Morgan is, in fact, guilty, thereby ending his trade in human flesh forever. As always, should you or any of the IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on disc

The IMF must use voodoo rituals to break up a white slavery ring run by a sadistic Louisiana bar owner and millionnaire.

Director: Don Chaffey, Writer: Jeffrey M. Hayes

Guest starring: Emma Harrison, Paula Kelly, Frank Thring, Danielle Spencer


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