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Entertainment Earth




"Good morning Mr. Phelps."

- W.J. Flywheel, Webporium Curator



1.  The Killer

September 19, 1970

The IMF is up against a contract killer who makes decisions at random at the last minute to ensure his moves are unpredictable. As Barney stands in for the intended victim, the IMF must prepare for every eventuality to get close to the killer, thwart his plans, turn him against his client and stop their killing spree.

Director: Paul Krasny, Writer: Arthur Weiss

Guest starring: Robert Conrad, Davis Roberts, Carole Carle, Byron Morrow, Martin Ashe, Helen Spring, Pegi Boucher, Victoria Hale, Tommy J. Huff, Dick Karie, Rachel English

This was the season premiere and introduces Lesley Ann Warren as Dana Lambert even though "Flip Side" was filmed first and gives her a little more of an introduction. This story was rewritten and used as the pilot for the re-launch of the series in 1988. While planning an eighth season, producer Bruce Lansbury wanted to (somehow) bring back Robert Conrads' character Eddie Lorca, despite the fact he's clearly (spoiler alert) dead. But it never happened as M:I was not renewed.

As Eddie Lorca (Robert Conrad), was exiting the hotel after checking in, you can see a reflection of the entire crew, cameras and lights in the rear quarter and side of the red taxi that Paris (Leonard Nimoy) is waiting in. As the camera zooms in for a close shot of Paris, you can see the reflection of the camera rolling closer to the taxi for the closeup.

2.  Flip Side

September 26, 1970

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. Every year, illegal, dangerous drugs cost the lives of thousands of Americans, mostly young people. The biggest distributor of these drugs on the Pacific Coast is Mel Bracken. His supplier from south of the border is businessman Diego Maximillian, who, in turn, gets his drugs legally from Midwest drug manufacturer C.W. Cameron. Your mission is to stop, to expose, and to destroy that vicious circle, including all three men who run it. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Mel Bracken is one of the largest distributors of illegal drugs on the West Coast. Pharmaceutical magnate Cameron legally sells drugs to a middleman's laboratory in Mexico who then smuggles it to Bracken in Los Angeles. In order to expose the operation the IMF forces Cameron to deal directly with Bracken on U.S. soil.

Director: John Llewellyn Moxey, Writer: Jackson Gillis

Guest starring: Kasey Rogers, Bob Golden, John Rivera, Ford Lile, Joy Bang, Jose DeVega, Robert Alda, Dana Elcar, Sal Mineo

Barney (Greg Morris) uses a tracking device to follow the shipment of drugs after he plants fake drugs with homing devices concealed inside. An identical tracking device (a ballpoint pen mounted on a pivot above an "on" and "off" switch) will reappear in the episode Mission: Impossible: Blast (1971) later this season.

A scene in which Phelps (Peter Graves) recruits Dana (Lesley Ann Warren) into the IMF was filmed but left out, because of uncertainty as to when this episode would be aired.

When Barney sneaks on the truck carrying the drugs, he tells Jim there are ten cases of them. However, in some shots you can clearly count at least 19 cases.

3.  The Innocent

October 3, 1970

"We've got a friend about two hundred feet down the hall who'll be dead if we don't help him."

- Paris

Barney has been captured infiltrating an enemy laboratory in the Middle East. To make matters worse he has been exposed to the chemical weapon being manufactured at the lab. Phelps devises a plan to rescue Barney and destroy the chemical. However, in order for the mission to succeed the IMF needs the assistance of a computer genius who wants nothing to do with the plan.

Director: John Llewellyn Moxey / Marc Norman, Writer: Marc Norman / Laurence Heath

Guest starring: Christopher Connelly, Robert Ellenstein, Larry Linville, Than Wyenn, Katherine Darc, Victor Brandt, Gene Tyburn, Sy Prescott, Jorge Ben-Hur

This is the first episode in air order to feature Sam Elliott as IMF agent Doug Robert. He only receives a co-starring credit at the end, however, and is not part of the opening show cast listing.

The name of the chemical company (INTEROCO) is spelled in "Gellerese with the "N" being reversed however on the fake ID cards with Phelps' and Carlin's picture on it has it spelled as "INTEROCO" (the "N" not being reversed) .

When the guard gets the fake ID cards, it is clearly Carlin's card on the top in the long shot but Phelp's card on the top in the close up. In the printout of Dr. Carlin's information the word "knowledge" is misspelled as "knowlege"

4.  Homecoming

October 10, 1970

"Pretty girl."

- voice from the woods

When Jim returns to his hometown of Norville to donate family property to the community, he finds it plagued by a serial killer. Jim secretly brings in Barney to help investigate. A disturbed Vietnam vet is the suspected killer but Jim and Barney figure out he's innocent and get him out of jail one step ahead of a mob, then call in the rest of the IMF team to find the real killer.

Director: Reza Badiyi, Writer: Laurence Heath

Guest starring: Jacqueline Scott, Joe Maross, Fred Beir, Loretta Swit, Frank Webb, Patricia Smith, Sharon Acker, Larry Pennell, Jack Donner, James Sikking, Owen Bush

In two years guest star Loretta Swit would make TV history as Major Margaret (Hot Lips) Houlihan on M*A*S*H (1972 - 1983). Her M*A*S*H co-star, Larry Linville (Major Frank Burns) guest starred in last weeks episode of Mission: Impossible.

When Seth Morley ('Frank Webb') is arrested at the Sheriff's office, the camera takes his point of view as he is dragged past Jim Phelps. The camera gyrates to simulate his struggles with the arresting deputies, and it momentarily pans high enough to reveal the walls of the real sound stage behind the false wall of the Sheriff's office interior set.

When Dana ('Lesley Warren') comes into Midge's bar for the first time, she asks for a beer. Midge (Loretta Swit) pantomimes filling the glass from the tap, but the camera reveals that the glass she places under the tap is already full before she begins to "fill" it.

5.  Flight

October 17, 1970

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. On Wednesday morning, Adolfo Rojas will address a Joint Session of Congress. Before he enters the congressional chambers, Rojas will be dead, his government taken over by Manuel Ferrar, his Chief of Internal Security. The murderer will be a professional assassin who uses the code name 'Plato' and whose true identity is known only to Farrar. Although warned, Rojas refuses to cancel this vital appearance and our government, obviously, cannot withdraw his invitation. Your mission is to learn Plato's identity and transmit the information to Washington before Presidente Rojas begins his speech. As usual, should you or another member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

The IMF must thwart a coup attempt to be triggered by a presidential assassination. The team apprehends the coup leader and employs an elaborate ruse to convince him to reveal the killer. But government security forces uncover the operation and capture Dana. So begins parallel games of cat and mouse with dire consequences for the losers.

Director: Barry Crane / Leigh Vance, Writer: Harold Livingston

Guest starring: John Colicos, Lloyd Battista, James Almanzar, Tol Avery, John S. Ragin, Shep Sanders, Conrad Parham, Shirley Washington, Dom Tattoli, Ron Henriquez, Bill Baldwin

Doug appears in this episode: Willy doesn't. This is the first episode with a revised (modernized) theme song. The familiar bongo drums were replaced with a driving bass guitar. In the apartment briefing Jim asks Barney if he's renewed his pilot's license but then nowhere during the episode does Barney fly. (unless you count him "piloting" the fake plane in the warehouse?) Perhaps a scene was deleted?

The pilot reported trouble with engine number four but the plane shown taking off had only two engines.

6.  My Friend, My Enemy

October 25, 1970

"She’s not making a play, Jim. Can’t you understand emotion, or have you become some kind of machine?"

- Paris

While en route to rendezvous with the IMF in Switzerland, Paris is captured by a team of enemy agents, brainwashed, and programmed to kill Jim Phelps. While the enemy team creates a scenario which will trigger Paris' programming, the IMF must figure out exactly what has happened to their fellow agent to save his career and life.

Director: Gene Kearney / Gerald Mayer, Writer: Gene Kearney

Guest starring: Peter Mark Richman, Bruce Glover, Wesley Lau, Jill Haworth, Tony Giorgio, Chris Holter, Aaron Fletcher, Edward Bach, Bart La Rue, Walter Davis

The shot of Leonard Nimoy used during this season's opening credits (showing him in a red shirt with a colorful neckerchief knotted around his throat) comes from this episode - the scene in the bar when he first talks to Enid (Jill Haworth).

7.  Butterfly (aka Poor Butterfly)

October 31, 1970

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. Harry Kellem, an American businessman and chairman of the new Economic Treaty Counscil, has been arrested for the murder of his wife, Mioshi. We have reasons to believe that Kellem was framed and the murder was committed by Mrs. Kellem's brother, Toshito Masaki, a powerful industrialist who is fanatically anti-American. In addition to a personal hatred for Kellem, Masaki's motive is to discredit the Economic Council and shatter Japanese-American relations on the eve of a new treaty negotiations. Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept it, is to stop Masaki's plan and vindicate Harry Kellem. As always, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Toshio Masaki, a powerful anti-American industrialist, kills his sister and frames her husband, an American businessman named Harry Kellem, so as to discredit America and discredit the Economic Council.

Director: Sheldon Stark / Gerald Mayer, Writer: Eric Bercovici / Jerry Ludwig

Guest starring: Khigh Dhiegh, Benson Fong, Lisa Lu, James Shigeta, Helen Funai, Russ Conway, Dale Ishimoto, Fuji, Leonard Pronko, Bill Sato, Roy Ogata

In Japan, motor vehicles drive on the left side of the road; thus, most Japanese vehicles are right-hand drive. But all of the vehicles shown are left-hand drive.

When a guard brings Harry Kellem a food tray, he slides it across the floor through a hole in to bottom of the cell door. There are very rough saw cuts at the corners of the hole, chips in the silver paint and visible wood grain revealing that the door is painted wood, and was never meant to be photographed at close range from inside the "cell" or watch on a big screen television.

8.  Decoy

November 7, 1970

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. Before he died last year, Premiere Kerkoska gave his daughter, Anna, a secret document containing the names of men within his government who privately favor friendly relations with the West. Information has reached us through diplomatic channels that Anna and her brother, Alexi, wish to defect. We know this is a plot by Alexi to acquire the document and, at the same time, capture American intelligence agents, thereby embarrassing the West. In spite of this trap, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get the document and bring Anna Kerkoska to safety. As always, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Anna Kerkoska plans to defect with a list of American agents given to her by her father, the late Premier. Her brother Alexi also plans to defect, but it's actually a plan to grab the list, turn it over to Police Chief Petrovitch, and sell out his sister. Jim and Dana pretend to be a publisher brother-and-sister team and Paris kidnaps Dana to fake-force Jim into kidnaping Anna for the Americans. Petrovitch and Alexi let the plan go ahead, while Jim becomes romantically involved with Anna.

Director: Seymour Robbie, Writer: John D.F. Black

Guest starring: Julie Gregg, Michael Strong, Paul Stevens, Sid Haig, Joshua Bryant, Arthur Malet, Richard Eric Winter, Bart La Rue, Rosanna Hoffman, Tom McDonough, Victor Paul

9.  The Amateur

November 14, 1970

"The rocket laser is a prototype. Each of the five sections is integral.
Without one, the others are useless."

- Barney Collier

A wannabe spy in an eastern European country happens upon an operation of the MI team. But, in a cleaver twist, as this amateur's dreams of becoming a super sleuth turn to greed the MI team manipulates him and government security forces to accomplish their mission and their escape.

Director: Paul Krasny, Writer: Ed Adamson

Guest starring: Anthony Zerbe, Ronald Feinberg, Lisa Pera, Don Eitner, Allen Joseph, Peter Brocco, Biff Manard, Al Roberts

10.  Hunted

November 21, 1970

"Jim. I'm not leaving Barney."

- Doug Robert

A mission to rescue a dissident in an white dominated African country goes awry when Doug and his white assistant get the man out of the hospital, but the assistant is shot in the leg. Separated from the rest of the IMF team, the assistant staggers into a shop where a deaf girl discovers the man is Barney in a mask. The rest of the team gets the dissident out of the country and then goes back for Barney.

Director: Terry Becker, Writer: Helen Hoblock Thompson

Guest starring: Ta-Tanisha, Ivor Barry, John S. Ragin, Joe Morton, John Alderson, Elaine Church, Herbert Jefferson Jr., Kirk Scott, Michael St. Clair, Edgar Winston, Joseph Lancaster, Dick Dial

The map Jim Phelps uses to help plot the rescue of Barney is actually one of Edinburgh, Scotland, (UK). West Princes St. Gardens and Waverley Station are notable Edinburgh landmarks.

11.  The Rebel

November 28, 1970

"Nothing, huh? What are you trying to do to yourself? Walking around with a thirty caliber slug in your arm like it’s a mosquito bite."

- Doug Robert

Government security forces surprise the MI team during a routine information exchange with insurgents. Dana and two rebels are captured including the rebel who, unknown to government forces, has the secret "notebook." Jim has a plan but the rebels are skeptical. With the possibility of a traitor in their midst and the help of a local priest of uncertain reliability, the MI must rescue the captives before they break under torture, before the security forces uncover the notebook and before the rebels take matters into their own hands.

Director: Barry Crane / Ken Pettus, Writer: Ken Pettus

Guest starring: Mark Lenard, Bob Purvey, Davana Brown, Jonathan Lippe, David Roya, Richard Shelfo, Diane Holly, Ralph Ventura, Arthur Batanides

The lines of rebel leader Alex Khora (Bob Purvey) are dubbed throughout the episode by voice artist Vic Perrin (best known as the "Control Voice" on "The Outer Limits").

Leonard Nimoy as Paris plays the part of nemesis to Mark Lenard, who played the father of Nimoy's character, Spock, in Star Trek.

Barney and Doug arrive back at the ruined monastery at the end of the episode with the fake statue that holds the escapees inside. As the truck pulls into the monastery area (an indoor set that is supposed to be an exterior), several overhead sound stage lights are visible at the top of the frame in the long shot of the monastery ruins and the truck.

When Paris drives away from the village in the Mercedes near the end of the episode, a bright studio light, a camera boom, a reflective panel, and several tripods are all reflected in the rear passenger window and shiny paint job on the vehicle.

12.  Squeeze Play (aka Sicily)

December 12, 1970

"I can help you."

- Paris

A drug kingpin, not long for this world, is preparing to turn over his heroin empire to his heir apparent. Paris and Dana go undercover to turn the kingpin against his heir and convince him that Paris is the better candidate to trust with the secrets of his organization.

Director: Walter Brough / Virgil Vogel Writer: David Moessinger

Guest starring: Victoria Vetri, Nicholas Georgiade, Albert Paulsen, Albert Carrier, Peter Kilman, Nico Minardos

As Barney is fighting with the guard in the wine cellar a tall wine rack holding dozens of bottles falls over. More than a dozen bottles smash on the floor but no "wine" or other liquid comes out showing that they are dummies. One bottle seems to be filled with sand or dust. The man filling in as Greg Morris' stunt double during the fight is very clearly not Greg Morris.


13.  The Hostage

December 19, 1970

"They kidnapped, Paris, not Walter A. Phelan."

- Barney Collier

Paris's cover identify as a wealthy and influential American proves a bit too convincing. He is kidnapped and held for the ransom by rebels demanding the release of three of their comrades. The government agrees to cooperate in Jim's plan to rescue Paris only if he will capture one of the rebel leaders.

Director: Barry Crane, Writer: Harold Livingston

Guest starring: Lou Antonio, Ron Castro, Conrad Parham, Pepe Callahan, David Renard, Lee Duncan, Joe De Santis

Four Star Trek TOS alumni appear in this episode; Leonard Nimoy, Lou Antonio, Lee Duncan, and Barry Russo.

14.  Takeover

January 2, 1971

"All right. There will be a confrontation, there's no way to avoid it. What we have to do is control the violence so that we're the only ones in danger."

- James Phelps

The IMF team is charged with bringing down a political manipulator who intends to use a group of student protesters with deadly effect to elevate his political puppet to higher office. Dana is a double threat posing as the puppet's daughter while infiltrating the protesters. Jim play's king maker to manipulate the manipulator.

Director: Arthur Weiss / Virgil Vogel, Writer: Jerry Thomas / Arthur Weiss

Guest starring: Richard Kelton, Lloyd Bochner, Ken Swofford, Tom McDonough, Gordon DeVol, Byron Mabe, Russell Thorson, Todd Martin

The papers that Barney shows to Ross and Tallman say that Dana's fake name is Katherine Walker. However, when she goes outside, Ross' man Billy calls her Kate Jarvis.

15.  Cat's Paw

January 9, 1971

"That’s right! He was my brother and they killed him. Hamp, Corley, and Abbot blew him to pieces. Yes I set you up! I would have set up the Joan of Arc to even the score for my brother. But it... it doesn’t even the score and that’s the toughest part of it."

- Barney Collier

A high tech organized crime group comes to the attention of our favorite IMF team following the murder of Barny's brother. To bring down the organization and the corrupt police captain allied with them Jim turns to his tried and true technique; infiltrate, sow distrust then wait for the fireworks.

Director: Virgil Vogel, Writer: Howard Browne

Guest starring: Hari Rhodes, Abbey Lincoln, William Wintersole, Kelly Thordsen, Chuck Wood, Marc Hannibal, Manuel Paul Thomas, Morgan Farley, David S. Cass Sr.

16.  The Missile (aka Torpedo)

January 16, 1971


- John Hecker

James Read is an enemy agent posing as an analyst to get close to a top-secret U.S. missile guidance system. Read is going to steal the plans and the IMF must substitute fake plans so he will unwittingly pass on the incorrect information to his superiors. However, the mission is interrupted when a psychotic kidnaps Dana.

Director: Charles Rondeau, Writer: Arthur Weiss

Guest starring: Barry Coe, David Sheiner, John Beck, John Pickard, Gerald Hiken, Karen Carlson, John Dennis, Percy Helton, Jimmy Bracken

17.  The Field

January 23, 1971

An adversary nation launches a nuclear weapons platform in to orbit. To make matters worse, the weapon's control station is on an impregnable island. That can only mean it's time for Jim to find a way to slip Barney into the station to sabotage the weapon

Director: Reza Badiyi / Judy Burns, Writer: Wesley Lau

Guest starring: Erik Holland, Burt Nodella, Patricia Priest, H.M. Wynant, Barry Atwater, Milton Selzer, Denny Miller, Michael Baseleon

Director Reza Badiyi's wife Barbara was ready to go into labor during the filming of the episode. Bruce Geller made sure a helicopter was standing by to transfer Badiyi from San Pedro to Hollywood as necessary.

18.  Blast

January 30, 1971

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. This man, Gregory Tolan, is leader of an underground cell specializing in robberies designed to finance an American revolution. He works for a man we know only as Jonathan Brace, who masterminds cells like Tolan's and whose eventual aim is the forcible overthrow of the United States Government. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to apprehend Jonathan Brace. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Jim and Dana infiltrate a group of bank robbers, but the IMF's real target is the mysterious leader of the group who uses the thieves' booty to fund anti-American revolutionary activities. Natural conflicts in the robbers' personal agendas play right into the IMF's hands.

Director: Sutton Roley, Writer: Samuel Roeca / James L. Henderson

Guest starring: Henry Darrow, Kevin Hagen, Laurence Haddon, Douglas Henderson, Susan Odin, Pitt Herbert, Tamara Elliot, Charles Picerni, Tom McDonough, Dick Ziker, Don Edwards, George Wilbur, Tony Brubaker

After Jim blows the locking mechanism on the outer gate, the remains seem to be made of wood, not metal.

Shortly after the thieves and the two IMF agents take over the Millers' house, there is a second insert shot of the tracking device inside the panel truck driven by Paris (Leonard Nimoy). The pointer on the device (a ballpoint pen marked "near" and "far) faces in the opposite direction from the earlier insert. All of the writing on the device, however, including the words "on" and "off" on its base, are also reversed in a mirror-image, indicating that the creators "flipped" the film to reverse right and left.

During the car chase after the holdup, a police car crashes through the display window of a store. As the window and displays fall away, we can see the bare walls behind, revealing that the "store" is nothing but a false front on an empty shell.

19.  The Cataflaque

February 6, 1971

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps."

- voice on tape

Miguel Fuego, premier of San Pascal, has signed a secret nuclear arms treaty with a country hostile to the U.S. The IMF must expose the treaty to the world before the missiles are installed. They plan to turn Miguel's nephew Ramone against him by convincing him that Miguel tried to engineer the death of Ramone's father but then had him lobotomized and locked away.

Director: Barry Crane, Writer: Paul Playdon

Guest starring: John Vernon, Will Kaluva, Ramon Bieri, Sam Irvin, Tony De Costa, Miguel Riva, Arline Anderson, John Cardoza, Johnny Bench

This episode features an appearance by Cincinnati Reds catcher Johnny Bench (as Captain of the Guards) just after he was named the National Leagues Most Valuable Player (MVP).

20.  Kitara (aka The Bigot)

February 20, 1971

"How can potatoes resemble apples?"

- Paris

Government forces in a racist African country have captured, Kitara, the leader of the revolutionary forces and will torture him to death in their effort to find the gold bullion he has hidden. To rescue Kitara and secure the gold Jim plans to manipulate the security official interrogating him. What better way to manipulate a racist than to turn him into what he least wants to be and turn his own forces against him?

Director: Murray Golden, Writer: Mann Rubin

Guest starring: Lawrence Dobkin, Rex Holman, Robert DoQui, Jason Wingreen, Ken Renard, Buck Holland

Colonel Kohler's house is the same one that served as Mr. Roark's residence in Fantasy Island (1977). This is the final episode in which Phelps is warned of the consequences should any of the IMF force be caught or killed.

21.  A Ghost Story

February 27, 1971

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. This is Howard Bainbridge, noted specialist in chemical warfare, who defected to the East where he developed the lethal chemical TR-A, a nerve gas formula known only to him. We believe that Bainbridge, contaminated by his own deadly chemical, escaped the Iron Curtain and returned to his father's estate, where the elder Bainbridge killed his son and concealed the corpse. Since Howard Bainbridge destroyed his records before fleeing the East, the only existing trace of the chemical TR-A is in his corpse. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find Howard Bainbridge's body. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Barney exploits his technical wizardry to convince a neo-fascist that his son, whom he murdered, wants to be exhumed and cremated. It's all part of the plan to obtain the secret nerve gas formula his son developed before a certain eastern power gets their hands on it. But like any good ghost story, nothing and no one is what they seem.

Director: Reza Badiyi / Ed Adamson, Writer: Ed Adamson / Ken Pettus

Guest starring: John Winfield, Andrew Duggan, Marion Ross, Anthony Norwalk, William Smith, Frank Farmer

22.  The Party

March 6, 1971

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. Alexander Vanin is now serving a 20-year sentence for espionage. Immediately prior to his arrest, Colonel Vanin hid a list of EEPR agents operating in the United States. George Mishenko. Vanin's control, has been ordered to locate the list, but Vanin has thus far refused to reveal its whereabouts. He knows that once the list is found, his usefulness to his government is over and they will abandon him. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find Vanin's list. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Eastern Bloc agent Alexander Vanin is serving time in a federal prison for espionage. Using auto-hypnosis he has blocked all information about the location or contents of a microfilm list he hid just before he was arrested. Vanin's wife is the only person who can remove the mental block and the only one Alexander will confide in. The IMF stage a welcome home party at Vanin's embassy (which has been cleverly vacated) to reunite husband, wife, and the top secret roll of microfilm.

Director: Murray Golden, Writer: Harold Livingston

Guest starring: Oleg Korbyn, Yuri Smaltzoff, Albert Szabo, Athena Lorde, Robert Sampson, Arthur Batanides, Frank Marth, Alfred Ryder, Antoinette Bower

This is the only episode in which both Willy and Doug appear together. The image shown to indicate that Paris is in the Eastern European People's Republic is, in fact, Amsterdam's Central Station. This episode features probably the largest crew of agents beyond the central IMF team, when the IMF replaces all the servers, entertainers and guests at an embassy party with their own people.

23.  The Merchant

March 17, 1971

"Good evening, Mr. Phelps. For several years, Arman Anderssarin has been one of the world's largest dealers in illegal arms. Now, Anderssarin is about to complete his biggest deal involving the purchase and resale of millions of dollars of American arms captured in Vietnam to guerillas in key trouble areas of the world. If Anderssarin is successful, new violence and bloodshed is inevitable. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to stop Anderssarin and put him out of business for good. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Jim lets himself be captured so he can become beholden to arms dealer Armand Anderssarian who can get Jim released. A classic start to an IMF con. Meanwhile Paris, Barney and Dana gamble on Anderssarian's poker compulsion to bring his overextended debt situation to a crisis. But there's a wild card in the deck; Anderssarian's ditsy mistress who is jealous of the attention he's giving Dana and has a knack for doing the wrong thing at the worst time.

Director: Leon Benson, Writer: Harold Livingston

Guest starring: George Sanders, Ken Drake, Jo Morrow, Jan Merlin, Todd Martin, James Hong, Tony Giorgio, Carmelo Manto, Noel de Souza, Riza Royce

This was the final appearance for both Leonard Nimoy and Lesley Ann Warren as Paris and Dana respectively. Warren appears in and a much talked-about scene (especially among adolescent young boys) where she is bra-less in a see-through white top (something of a fashion fad in 1971).

The "secret radar base" is actually a NIKE missile site near Brea California (since decommissioned). The reason the hills are shown as burned off was because there was a wildfire in the area shortly before the episode was filmed.


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