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"Good morning Mr. Phelps."

- W.J. Flywheel, Webporium Curator



1.  The Widow

September 10, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. The man you are looking at is Alex Cresnic, one of the world's largest dealers in heroin. Cresnic made his biggest deal: he bought the entire heroin crop of an Asiatic country and smuggled it into Marseilles, where he will wholesale it to his major buyers. In order to get financing for such a big operation, Cresnic took in a partner. His name is Mark Walters, head of the numbers bank in Miami. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to prevent Cresnic and Walters from selling the heroin and put them out of business - permanently. As always, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Alex Cresnic and his partner Walters have bought out an entire nation's heroin crop and are smuggling it into Marseilles for a sale - the IMF needs to put them out of business. Barney and Jim fake an elevator crash and fake blind Walters. In the hospital, Rollins impersonates Cresnic's voice and gives Walters specific instructions. Meanwhile, Cresnic believes Walters to be dead and meets Walters' widow, played by Cinnamon. She blackmails Cresnic into taking her on as his new partner, and then leads him to a rival competitor, played by Rollin. Jim is the chemist in the set-up, and has a jacket that lets him switch Cresnic's heroin for powdered milk. This was Peter Graves' first appearance in the role of Jim Phelps. There was never any explanation given for Dan Briggs' departure.

Director: Lee H. Katzin, Writer: Barney Slater

Guest starring: William Windom, Joe Maross, George Tyne, John Orchard, Britt Lomond, George Sawaya, Walt Davis, Howard Beckler

William Windom who plays the drug dealer Alex Cresnic played 4 different characters in 4 seasons of Mission Impossible.

When selecting IM Force members to participate, Phelps (in a head-on shot) places the folders down with his left hand. When the camera perspective changes, he's using his right hand for all four regular members.

2.  Trek

September 17, 1967

"Good afternoon, Mr. Phelps. Recently, in a desperate attempt to save its economy, the government of Santales sold its priceless collection of Incan gold artifacts. Before the treasure could be delivered, it was hijacked by this man - Jack Cole. Cole's accomplices were all killed. He was captured and is being held in a provisional prison, where a Colonel Cardoza is trying to persuade him to reveal where the treasure is hidden. We know Cardoza to be a traitor who intends to take the treasure for himself and flee, bankrupting the country. Your mission is to recover the treasure and expose Cardoza. As always, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

The country of Santales sold a collection of Incan gold artifacts to save its economy, which were stolen by Jack Cole. Cole's accomplices are killed and Colonel Cardoza of Santales is in charge of extracting the location of the artifacts from Cole. However, Cardoza is a tratiro who plans to take the artifacts and leave Santales in financial ruin. The IMF must both recover the treasure and expose Cardoza. Phelps goes in as Cardoza's fence, and plots with the Colonel to get Cole to reveal the treasure.

Director: Leonard Horn, Writer: Laurence Heath

Guest starring: Dan O'Herlihy, Mark Lenard, Michael Pate, Jack Donner, Ralph Mauer, Alfred Shelly

Dan O'Herlihy who play's 'Jack Cole' is the real life brother of Michael O'Herlihy, the director of the 'Mission Impossible (1966)' episodes 'Legacy', 'Emerald' and 'Town' .

Many of the extras are reused in different shots. At 28:30, after placing Rollins money in the vault, there is an exterior shot panning left. There are two extras on the far left, an elderly woman wearing a purple outfit and scarf and a woman in white. The woman in purple misses her cue to begin walking and seems to be looking towards the cameras. The woman in white begins walking and turns back to alert the woman in purple to begin walking. The purple woman can be seen a little earlier, about 22:30, walking with a package. She is also seen outside the bank when Barney and Paul are arrested and escorted into the truck. There is also a green sports car that stops while Willy closes the truck door. There is plenty of room for the car to pass. The same green car appears in the same shots with the purple woman.

3.  The Survivors

September 24, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. These men are Edward Stoner and Wilson Cardel, two of the three key scientists vital to the development of U.S. Project 12. They have been kidnapped, along with their wives, by this agent - Erik Stavak. The Wilsons and Cardels are in great danger as they are useless to Stavak without the third scientist on the project - Dr. Robert Webster. But should Stavak succeed in getting all three men and forcing them to talk, the solution to what has been described as the Ultimate Weapon, will be in enemy hands. The mission, Jim, is to prevent that at all costs and get these two scientists and their wives back alive. As always, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Two scientists and their wives have been kidnapped by enemy agent Eric Stavak. If Stavak doesn't get ahold of a third scientist, the other two are useless and will be killed. If he gets the third, than Stavak will have the key to an ultimate weapon project. Phelps and Cinnamon pretend to be the third scientist and his wife and alllow themselves to be kidnapped and taken to the other two scientists and their wives. Phelps predicts an upcoming earthquake, which the IMF team goes to work and fake-implements.

Director: Paul Stanley, Writer: Allan Balter / William Read Woodfield

Guest starring: Albert Paulsen, Lawrence Dane, John McLiam, Angela Clarke, Nancy Jeris, Robert Homel, Marc Adams, William Sargent, Jack Carol, Brett Dunham, Win de Lugo

Albert Paulsen who plays Eric Stavak in this episode, played 5 different roles throughout the Mission Impossible series; one each year. His first role was in Season 1, Episode 2 as an alcoholic with a photographic memory.

In the "dossier" scene, one of the photos of an agent not chosen for the mission is that of producer Joseph Gantman.

In the tape message, the voice first correctly cites US scientists "Edward Stoner and Wilson Cardel" and their wives, but later refers to "The Wilsons and Cardels..."

After Jim crushes the light bulb in the flashlight (at around the 40:24 mark), the electrical wire that was pulled by "Ed" is clearly a single-strand wire. Jim says to "lead the wire back to the cell" but at the 41:41 mark, the wires are multi-stranded.

Phelps takes the gunpowder from ten cartridges, wraps the powder in a handkerchief and uses it to blow a large hole in the wall. Gunpowder will not explode unless confined which it is not. Used as in the show it will only burn. Even if he could get it to explode the amount of powder he used would be insufficient to blow that large a hole in the wall.

4.  The Bank

October 1, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. The man you are looking at is Alfred Belzig, director of the Socialist People's Bank in the East Zone, but secretly a fanatic who has never given up working for a supreme fascist state. Using his position, Belzig offers to help anyone who has money and wishes to escape to the West. He helps them and they're never heard from again, and Belzig appropriates their bank accounts. The mission, should you decide to accept it, is to stop Belzig and prevent the over $300,000,000 which he has appropriated from falling into the hands of his new Nazi Party. As always, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This record will self-destruct when it reaches the final groove. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Alfred Belzig, a bank director in the East Zone, takes money from those trying to escape to the West, then disposes of them and keeps the money. Belzig plans to use the $3 million he's accumulated to support a new Nazi party. Rollin pretends to be an escapee, allowing the team to track the money to a safe deposit box. Barney and guest team member Paul Lebarre (a former bank robber) stage a raid on Belzig's bank and steal only his deposit box.

Director: Alf Kjellin, Writer: Brad Radnitz

Guest starring: James Daly, Pierre Jalbert, Gene Dynarski, Ray Baxter, Julian Burton, Kurt Lander, Sacha Berger, Kris Tel, Richard Anders

In the "dossier" scene, the picture of one the agents not selected for mission is that of Allan Balter, a leading writer of the show (but not this story).

This is the first episode in which Jim Phelps is guided to his instruction tape by another agent, rather than locating it himself.

5.  The Slave (Part 1)

October 8, 1967

6.  The Slave (Part 2)

October 15, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. As you know, for the past twenty years, the United Nations has worked throughout the Near East to abolish slave markets. This effort has been successful except in El Kabar, a small country on the Persian Gulf, where Ibn Borca, an absolute monarch, continues to auction thousands of human beings into slavery each year. Borca's principle source of slaves is this man, Karl de Groot. His raids into nearby nations to abduct free men and women into slavery could aggravate the tense situation in the Near East. Your mission, Jim, should you decided to accept it, is to stop this traffic in slaves and rid El Kabar of de Groot and Borca. As always, should any of your IM force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in five second. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

In the country of Elkabar, King Ibn Borca is conducting a brisk slave business with the aid of supplier Karl de Groot. de Groot raids into neighboring countries. The IMF team must put the two men out of business. Barney lets himself be captured by de Groot, gets the info on a cell, then escapes with the info so they can create an exact duplicate of the cell. In part two, Willy kidnaps Princess Amara, wife of the king's brother Fasar, who knows nothing of his brother's slave racket. They put Amara in the duplicate cell and then Rollin-as-Borca tells her she will be sold at the next auction. Jim delivers Cinnamon to Borca, and then they dress up a sedated Amara as Cinnamon, and Barney and Willy switch her for Cinnamon. Rollin, masquerading as an Interpol agent, convinces Fasar to go to a slave auction to expose Borca.

Director: Lee H. Katzin, Writer: Allan Balter / William Read Woodfield

Guest starring: Joseph Ruskin, Percy Rodriguez, Warren Stevens, Antoinette Bower, Sid Haig, Steve Franken, David Mauro, Peter Lorre Jr., Michael St. Clair, Socrates Ballis, Jan Arvan, Kanan Awni, George Sawaya, John Arndt, Josh Adams

Before Willie and Barney kidnap Amara, their van is a Volkswagon. As they drive away, it is a Chevrolet.

During the flying bat scene, in the wide shots the bats are birds.

7.  Operation Heart

October 22, 1967

"Good afternoon, Mr. Phelps. This is Professor William Bennett, the Nobel Prize winning archeologist, who is becoming the innocent pawn in a political coup being planned by this man - Stephan Gomalk. The Chief of the Security Police, Gomalk plans to overthrow the pro-Western government of his closest friend, Beyron Rurich. The plan to assassinate Rurich is code-named Anniversary. Professor Bennett has a chronically weak heart. When he was arrested by mistake and intensively questioned by Gomalk, Bennett's heart failed. He is now in a hospital in maximum security. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to get Bennett out alive and prevent Rurich's assassination by Gomalk. As usual, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Professor Bennett is an archaeologist who is caught up in political coup by Gomalk, the Chief of Security Police. The coup is aimed at President Rurich. Bennett was accidentally arrested and interrogated, inducing a heart attack. The team must both rescue Bennett and prevent the coup.

Director: Leonard Horn, Writer: John O'Dea / Arthur Rowe

Guest starring: Pernell Roberts, Michael Strong, Michael Fox, Peter Coe, Aaron Fletcher, Robert Karnes, Helen Boll, Joe Ryan, Alan Bleiweiss, Svea Grunfeld, Arline Anderson

After selecting Rollin for this mission, Phelps uses his left hand to toss his file on the table. The next shot shows the file leaving Phelp's right hand.

In the opening sequence, Phelps drives to where he is to get his assignment. A camera records his face in close-up as he drives. As he gets out of the car and goes into the building the car is seen reflected in a window and a mat or platform can be seen on the hood of the car where the cameraman lay while the car was moving to film the opening close-up.

During the surgery, Rollin has a hand-held device that can be used to manipulate the display on the heart rate monitor and fool the surgeon into thinking the patient is fibrillating. However, whenever the patient supposedly goes into fibrillation, the close-up of the monitor shows the rhythm is still normal.

Professor Bennett is described as a "Nobel Prize-winning archeologist". There is no such prize in that field.

The grate in the photo booth has a series of identical, round holes cut into it. After listening to the tape, Phelps closes and locks the grate. A camera cuts to the smoking tape recorder behind a grate with different designs and larger openings.

8.  The Money Machine

October 29, 1967

"Good afternoon, Mr. Phelps. The man you are looking at is Walter DuBris, the most unscrupulous financier in Africa. DuBris' brokerage firm is in Ghalea, a small African nation, whose pro-Western democracy is the key to stability in the area. Last week, the shipment of paper used to make currency was hijacked by this man, a counterfeiter, Raf Tigoor. We believe Tigoor has made a deal with DuBris to pass the paper, which would wreck the Ghalean economy. Because DuBris is powerful and influential, he cannot be arrested on suspicion alone. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to recover the paper and put DuBris out of business - permanently. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Please dispose of this recording in the usual manner. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Walter DuBruis is a criminal financier in Africa, and has made a deal with a countefeiter, Rag Tagoor. DuBruis will pass the fake money that Tagoor manufactures, wrecking the pro-Western country of Ghalea. DuBruis is above the law unless there is firm evidence, so the IMF have to put him out of business. Cinnamon tries to corner the market on a company's copper stock, interesting DuBruis by mentioning her husband has found a new vein of copper. DuBruis plans to buy the stock for himself, but needs money. Conveniently, Rollin fakes an epileptic seizure, and DuBruis discovers that Rollin is a counterfeiter. DuBruis makes a deal with Rollin and his partner Jim to print counterfeit money using their state-of-art computer that will make copies of DuBruis $3 million and turn it into $8 million. But Barney is hiding inside the machine switching the real money for fake.

Director: Paul Stanley, Writer: Richard M. Sakal

Guest starring: Brock Peters, John Copage, Rockne Tarkington, Michael Shillo, Tom Steel

Two scenes are presented out-of-order. As shown, DuBruis orders his counterfeiter to move up his production schedule from 6 months to 6 days because, he says, the government has advanced a deadline. The scene in which DuBruis is informed about his changed deadline is not shown until AFTER the scene with the counterfeiter.

9.  The Seal

November 5, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. For the past 25 years, this country has depended on the friendship of Koala Rokat, a small but strategic nation on the China-India border. This is the Imperial Seal of Koala Rokat, a priceless 2,000 year old jade figure on a golden rope. Two weeks ago, it turned up in the art collection of the famous American industrial, J. Richard Taggart. Yesterday, our government, on behalf of Koala Rokat, requested that Taggart return the stolen jade to its rightful owners, who regard the seal as sacred. Taggart refused, and there appears to be no legal way that we can compel him to do so, despite the fact that his refusal will undo years of diplomacy and drive Koala Rokat into the Communist camp. Your mission, should you decided to accept it, is to get the seal so that it can be returned to Koala Rokat. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Please dispose of this recording in the usual manner. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Taggart. an industrialist, has a rare stolen statue that America needs to maintain a friendly relationship with a foreign country. He refuses to turn it over and IM Force are sent to get it. They need a cat, Rusty, to bypass Taggert's elaborate security. Phelps fouls the computer with a doctored key card, requiring Willy to deliver a replacement containing Barney and the cat. Cinnamon is a reporter investigating a supposed curse on the statue, while Rollin pretends to be a professor from the statue's country of origin.

Director: Alexander Singer, Writer: Allan Balter / William Read Woodfield

Guest starring: Darren McGavin, Mort Mills, Joan Tompkins, Russ Bender, Pete Kellett, Eric Cooper

There were as many as 12 different cats used, each trained to do one specific task.

Phelps finds the instructions on a tape, which has a black and a white side. When he puts the tape into the recorder the black side is uppermost. In the close-ups, only the white side can be seen. In the final shot, by removing the tape, you can see, that the black side is up again.

Willy uses the stamp stuck to his finger to add Phelps's signature ("Wilkins") to the sign-out book. Later, when the guard checks the book, the signature is there, but the one below is missing and the other signatures have changed places.

10.  Sweet Charity

November 12, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. The man you are looking at is Eric Hagar who, for years, has collected vast sums of money for charities, most of which he keeps for himself. He steals from the sick, the hungry, the destitute. Hagar's partner in these despicable activities is his wife, Catherine. The latest fraud of the Hagars is the collection of a million dollars, which is supposed to build a new hospital wing. To get this money, they have invited a group of millionaires to spend the weekend on their estate in Montaine, on the French-Italian border. The mission, should you decide to accept it, is to recover the millions which the Hagars have stolen from the needy and put a stop to their charity racket for good. As always, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in ten seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

A husband-and-wife con team, the Hagars, rip off the wealthy for donations to charity, only to take it all for themselves. The IMF crashes the Hagars' get-together with a group of millionaires at an estate on the French-Italian border. The Hagars have converted their ill-gotten gains to platinum, and have it stored in the base of a pool table. Jim goes in as a gigolo supposedly hired by Erik Hagar to keep his wife Catherine occupied, while Cinnamon keeps Erik occupied by pretending to be a wealthy invalid. Barney tunnels into the estate and switches out the platinum bricks with an inflatable duplicate while Rollin pretends to be a hitman trying to kill Catherine, but is caught and confesses he was hired by Erik.

Director: Marc Daniels, Writer: Barney Slater

Guest starring: Fritz Weaver, Hazel Court, J.P. Burns, Lilyan Chauvin, Jean Del Val, Linda Sue Risk, Arline Anderson, Roger Til, Dan Gazzaniga

The exterior scenes outside of what is supposed to be the Hagar's European mansion were filmed at 380 South San Rafael Ave, Pasadena, California - the same house used as the exterior of Wayne Manor in the "Batman" series that was also on the air at the same time.

The briefing scene (Phelps entering the industrial shop, turning off the blowtorch and listening to the tape) is re-used in Mission: Impossible: The Phoenix (1968). The only changes are the audio content of the tape and the photographs of the Hagars.

When Cinamon plugs the device into the wall socket to kill the electric power to the house she plugs in a device that has a two-pin American plug and she plugs it into an American socket. European plugs, and sockets have two round pins.

Barney and Rollin could not have picked up $2 million worth of platinum. Platinum, in 1967 was approximately $160 per troy oz. $2 million worth of platinum would weigh 857 pounds. However, the volume would be only about .64 cubic feet as a cubic foot of platinum is 1340 pounds. This would be a cube about 7.4 inches per side.

Toward the end when Barney is parked waiting in his truck for the Lincoln to drive down the highway, the front license plate on Barney's truck is from California. Later when stopped at the border checkpoint it changes to the correct European license plate.

Rollin has silencer on a revolver. Revolvers can't have silencers because the sound would come through the cylinder. Also no bullets can be seen in the cylinder.

11.  The Council (Part 1)

November 19, 1967

12.  The Council (Part 2)

November 26, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. The man you are looking at is Frank Wayne, head of the syndicate and number one man in a vast criminal empire that is corrupting our nation's economy. Wayne is not content with merely running the rackets and controlling vice and gambling but has taken over heretofore honest businesses. Recently, Wayne launched a new system whereby the syndicate's income, now over $10 billion, is being deposited in Swiss banks causing an intolerable drain on U.S. gold reserves. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to get the syndicate's records, which are kept at Wayne's country estate, and see that they are turned over to the proper authorities, and put an end to Frank Wayne and his organization. As always, if you or your IM Force are caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Frank Wayne is the head of the Syndicate, and by putting the Mob's ill-gotten gains in a Swiss bank account, he threatens to ruin the U.S. gold reserve. The IMF must recover the funds and put Wayne away. Jim harasses Wayne, forcing the gangster to move his records to the Syndicate's office HQ. Then Jim and Barney subpoena and grill Wayne, while Rollin studies Wayne to impersonate his mannerisms. They fake an escape for Wayne long enough for him to call his henchman, but Rollin then takes his place.

In part two, Rollin-as-Wayne orders the death of Jim, who is impersonating a federal investigator, without getting the approval of the Syndicate Council. With Jim's killing as a distraction, Rollin breaks into the safe at Syndicate HQ and duplicates the financial records. The Council, unhappy with Wayne's independence and the fact that the murder is attracting headlines, condemn him to death. Rollin runs, but at the last moment switches place with the real Wayne.

Director: Paul Stanley, Writer: Allan Balter / William Read Woodfield

Guest starring: Paul Stevens, Vincent Gardenia, Nicholas Colasanto, Paul Lambert, Vic Perrin, Joan Staley, Stuard Nisbet, Robert Phillips, Eduardo Ciannelli, Nelson Olmstead

Although played by Paul Stevens, the character of Frank Wayne was dubbed by Martin Landau, who regularly played Rollin Hand. In 1971, 'The Council' (Part 1 & 2) was released in French movie theaters as "Mission impossible". This episode also marks the first use of new dossier pictures for Cinnamon, Rollin, and Barney.

As Jim plays the mission statement, he places the player arm in the middle of the recording. During the playing of the statement, several shots show the arm first moving in toward the center, then back to the outside - an impossibility. Records (remember them) always play from the outside toward the center.

When they start digging Jimmy up they insert an aerator near his head. This wouldn't do any good. There is too much dirt on top of him and he would not be able to breathe as his chest would be unable to expand.


13.  The Astrologer

December 3, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. Nickolai Kurzon, in spite of his exile from Veyska by the military junta that took over, has continued to lead a popular movement to overthrow this dictatorship. We know that, two days ago, Colonel Alex Stahl, head of the Veyskian secret police, seized Kurzon outside the country but we don't know where. Kurzon had in his possession a frame of microfilm containing the names of Veyskian officials and leading citizens who support him. If Kurzon and the microfilm are returned to Veyska, it will lead to the murder of these patriots and kill their chance to liberate the country. You mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to rescue Nickolai Kurzon and ensure that the microfilm does not get to Veyska. As always, if you or any of your IM Force are caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Please dispose of this tape in the usual manner. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Nicholai Kurzon, despite being exiled from his home country of Veyska by a military junta, leads a popular rebellion. He has been captured by the country's head of security, Colonel Stahl, and has a microfilm that contains the leaders of the revolution. The IMF must rescue Kurzon. Cinnamon gets closer to Deputy Chancellor Grigov by pretending to be an astrologer who predicts danger for the Chancellor. Thanks to Rollin's impersonation the ruse succeeds. Barney and Rollin sneak onto the plane Stahl is using to fly Kurzon back to Veyska. Rollin cracks the safe holding the microfilm and replaces it with a fake listing implicating Grigov. Meanwhile, Cinnamon has used her predictions to turn Grigov and Stahl against each other.

Director: Lee H. Katzin, Writer: James Griffith

Guest starring: Bob Tiedemann, David Hurst, Steve Ihnat, Ed McCready, Barbara Bishop, Don Hanmer

Barney and Rollin are in the baggage compartment of the plane and are running out of air. Barney drills what appears to be a 3/8 inch hole into the main plane and immediately they have enough air. A hole that small would require at least half an hour to allow enough air in to make a difference.

When Barney picks the deadbolt lock into the baggage room, there is no deadbolt visible when the door swings open as viewed from inside the room.

14.  Echo of Yesterday

December 19, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. The man you are looking at is Colonel Marcus von Frank, who has led the recent resurgence of the neo-Nazis. Otto Kelmann, head of the largest munitions plant in all Europe, is preparing to turn over to von Frank complete control of his vast industrial empire. With such a huge financial base, there is no question that von Frank could become a second Adolph Hitler, dedicated to the overthrow of democracy wherever it exists. Your mission, Jim, should decide to accept it, is to stop Kelmann and von Frank. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Neo-nazi Colonel Marcus von Frank is planning a resurgence of the Party with the aid of munitions magnate Otto Kelmann. With Kelmann's financial base, von Frank plans to become a second Hitler. Jim infiltrates their meeting as an American Nazi leader, while Cinnamon gets close to Kellman, aided by her resemblence to his dead wife, murdered by Hitler in 1932. Jim goads the paranoid von Frank into distrusting Cinnamon, who is convinced that she will destroy him. The IMF drugs Kelmann and sets up an elaborate hallucination of Rollin-as-Hitler murdering Cinnamon-as-Kelmann's wife back in 1932.

Director: Leonard Horn, Writer: Mann Rubin

Guest starring: Eric Braeden, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Greg Mullavey, Richard Morrison

A photograph of an agent Phelps doesn't select for the mission is that of William Paley, then the head of CBS.

A new dossier picture for Cinnamon appears in this episode.

In other episodes Jim Phelps is left handed. In the saber duel he uses his right hand. This left hand right hand switch happens a lot and the only explanation is that Phelps is ambidextrous.

At end of episode, Kelmann goes to foyer to call police and there is a purse on the round table. After Jim helps Cinnamon to her feet and they go back to Kelmann walking up the stairs, the purse is gone.

15.  The Photographer

December 17, 1967

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. The man you are looking at is David Redding, one of the top photographers in the country. He is also the contact for a spy apparatus that has secretly brought 150 agents into the United States in the past few months. Yesterday, one of the agents was picked up. We have not been able to get any information from him, except that they carry deadly Bubonic plague bacillus, which is to be released on our population within 72 hours. We have dozens of coded messages in and out of Redding's headquarters which we are certain locate and identify the agents. But we have so far been unable to break Redding's code. Your mission, should you decided to accept it, is the get the key to the code so we can pick up those agents before it's too late. As always, if you or any of your IM Force is caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

David Redding is a photographer and a spy working for the other side, who has supervised the infiltration of 150 agents into the U.S. The agents are apparently carrying some kind of biological plague, and only Redding knows the code. The IMF must get it from him. To do so, they set up Cinnamon as a former fashion model and scientist married to Jim who is working with a bacillus-suspension formula. This gives Redding a reason to accept the assignment - he tortures Jim who claims the U.S. is planning a nuclear strike. Redding and his assistant Morley plan to take refuge in Redding's bomb shelter and command center after sending a signal to his country (which is blocked by Barney), but Rollin and Willy arrest them. When the IMF fakes a nuclear attack Redding leads the others to the shelter and tries to send more coded messages that are intercepted by the IMF team.

Director: Lee H. Katzin, Writer: Allan Balter / William Read Woodfield

Guest starring: Anthony Zerbe, John Randolph, Kathleen Hughes, Ludmila, Josh Adams

Redding names the formula that Cinnamon wrote on the white board as Eosin Methylthionine Chloride. Chloride indicates that it contains chlorine, but none is present in the photograph of formula.

16.  The Spy

January 1, 1968

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. A secret, detailed map of NATO's missile defense system was recently prepared on two overlays, neither of which is complete without the other. They were sent by separate couriers to a meeting between NATO and one of Europe's small, uncommitted nations. Felicia Vabar, a member of an enemy spy apparatus, had one of the couriers intercepted and the overlay he was carrying stolen. To get the other, she has recruited Captain Miklos Cherno, an internal security officer in the country where the conference was being held. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to prevent Ms. Vabar from getting the second overlay, without which the first is useless. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Felicia Vabar, an enemy spy, has procured one of two overlays that was being sent to a meeting between NATO and a small European country. The overlays combined form a detailed map of NATO's missile defense system. Felicia has recruited Captain Cherno, head of the European country's security, to get her the second overlay. The IMF must stop her. Felicia plans to get the overlay out of a safe during an air-raid drill, but Jim beats her to it when Barney fakes an air-raid siren. Jim fires the overlay out to Rollin who slips a picture of it to Cinnamon who makes a fake. While Rollin negotiates with Felicia, Cinnamon (pretending to be an American embassy official) convinces Dubov, Cherno's superior, that she knows where the overlay is.

Director: Paul Stanley, Writer: Barney Slater

Guest starring: Joseph Campanella, Katherine Woodville, Karl Swenson, Edward Knight, Dehl Berti, Walter Alzman, Nikita Knatz, George Sperdakos

The overlay Jim takes pictures of has 16 red lines on it. The image of the overlay from the pictures Jim took does not match the original overlay. There are only 8 red lines on the image Cinnamon projects on the table. Then, after exposing the projected image onto print paper, the red lines on the image that develops are not even close to the original projection. The 'fake' image Cinnamon creates is actually the same as the image that was originally projected on the table (which was supposed to be the real overlay).

When Phelps is looking at the IMF team photo of Rollin Hand, you can see a reflection of the person holding the photo (it is not Phelps), and it is clear that that person is talking.

Cinnamon is shown processing photographic film and making prints in white light. Did someone point out the mistake? In the very next episode a character is shown doing the exact same thing, only he is correctly filmed under red lamps.

17.  A Game of Chess

January 14, 1968

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. Two weeks ago, a million dollars in gold bullion, intended for the underground in one of the anti-Western satellites, was intercepted by that government's military police. Preparations are now being made to ship the gold behind the Iron Curtain. This loss to the underground movement will set back for years any chance of liberty in this country. The man you are looking at is Nicholas Groat, whose reputation as a brilliant chess master has given him entrée and enabled him to con and steal on an international scale. Groat has organized a group which plans to steal the gold for itself before it is shipped out of the country. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to stop Groat, get the gold, and turn it over to the underground. As always, should any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in ten seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Nicholas Groat, a grandmaster chessplayer, organizes a team that plans to steal gold intended for the underground in an Eastern bloc country that was intercepted by the country's authorities. The IMF must recover the gold from the authorities and keep Groat from getting it. Groat forces the authorities to move the gold from a bank to a vault at the hotel where he (and Rollin) are playing in a tournament. The hotel puts a time lock on the vault for extra security, but Groat notices that Rollin is cheating, using a hearing aid. When he forces Rollin to demonstrate, the computer inadverently accelerates timepieces, so Groat wants to use it to get into the vault.

Director: Alf Kjellin, Writer: Richard M. Sakal

Guest starring: Don Francks, Curt Lowens, Lou Robb, Jason Johnson, Will J. White, Michael Guarini, William Wintersole

The tape scene where Jim Phelps receives his taped instructions is re-used from the episode "Trek" broadcast earlier this same season. The scene takes place in a telephone booth, and to obtain the photograph accompanying the tape recording, Phelps (Peter Graves) unlocks the coin box to remove a small, folded envelope containing the photo of their opponent. The photo that Phelps supposedly looks at is much larger than the small envelope he removes from the coin box but has no visible creases. (The contents of the envelope in the earlier episode was a small folded news article.)

The last number in the combination to the vault is established as 15, but when the desk clerk opens the vault to put in Cinnamon's "jewels", he stops at 2 for the last number. When closing the vault in front of the Captain after the gold arrives, the dial is on 88.

The water main for the hotel is too small. At most it is a 1-inch supply, which is barely enough for a small house (if that). A hotel that handles 400 guests would probably need a main of at least 12 or 13 inches diameter. Also, when hooking up the plastic canister of 'poison,' there is no way the 'poisoned' water would not get back into the supply to the rest of the hotel.

When the guards are bringing in the cart full of gold two of them lift the wheels of the cart over the lip of the door. That much gold would weigh over 700 pounds so two men could not lift it so easily.

The show portrayed grandmaster chess in an unrealistic manner. The top computers of that era couldn't beat a grandmaster. Phelps scored each player's piece move move as a separate numbered move; in real chess, one numbered move would consist of a piece move by each side. In grandmaster tournaments, one game is played a day, not the several games in the show. Many of the moves made by the players in the games were rank mistakes that a grandmaster would never make. Players never give checkmate in top level chess. Players resign before checkmate is given.

18.  The Emerald

January 21, 1968

"Man overboard!"

- Rollin Hand

A plan to devaluate U.S. currency was concealed on a valuable emerald by a U.S. spy, and the emerald was inadvertently obtained by Victor Tomar, an international arms dealer. Tomar is traveling by ship, as is Yorgi Petrosian, an enemy agent sent to recover the emerald. Rollin as a card shark gets together with Petrosian and they make a deal - Rollin will cheat Tomar and give Petrosian the gem and keep the winnings and Cinnamon tricks Tomar into getting to a game when Jim pretends to take her expensive bracelet.

Director: Michael O'Herlihy, Writer: Allan Balter / William Read Woodfield

Guest starring: William Smithers, Michael Strong, Claude Woolman, Francisco Ortega, Jacques Denbeaux, A.G. Vitanza, Albert Carrier, Robert Ondean, George Sawaya, Walter Linden, Tom Curtis, Josh Adams, Albert D'Arno, Phillip de Firmian

This episode uses the same opening sequence of Phelps driving in close-up, then getting his assignment in a photo booth as the episode "Operation Heart".

In the casino scene, Michael Strong is reading a French-language newspaper. The headline reads "Mais Oui, On Peut Manger du Cheval". The English translation is, "Of course you can eat horse".

After Rollin wins the climatic poker hand against Yorgi Petrosian and Victor Tomar, he places the emerald case in the breast pocket of his suit jacket. But in the next frame, as he is collecting the cash from the table, the emerald case can be observed amid the pile of money.

Williams throws Yorgi's body (disguised as Rollin) through a ship's porthole into the sea. Yorgi is wearing a black tuxedo and a white shirt. There is a cut of the body falling into the water, but this body is wearing white trousers and a blue shirt.

In the game when Jim beats Cinnamon and takes her bracelet, she calls his raise, but shows her cards first, contrary to the rules of poker.

19.  The Condemned

January 28, 1968

"This could be as dangerous as anything I've ever put you through."

- James Phelps

In Spain, David Webster, a friend of Jim's, is framed for murder by his girlfriend. Acting on Jim's personal behalf, the team goes into action. Rollin and Willy, disguised as priests, hide Webster in his own cell thanks to a collapsible wall. The murdered man, Corley, had apparently stolen a Greek crown worth ten million dollars. Constantine, the financier for the theft, hires Jim to get the crown back and Rollin, disguised as Webster, confronts the girlfriend and she reveals her accomplice.

Director: Alf Kjellin, Writer: Laurence Heath

Guest starring: Marianna Hill, Peter Donat, Kevin Hagen, Nate Esformes, Will Kuluva, Steven Marlo, Jon Cedar, Phil Donati, Keith McConnell

The third episode to have no mission tape. The mission comes from Jim Phelps, who is helping out a personal friend. Daniel Briggs helped a friend in the episode "The Ransom".

20.  The Counterfeiter

February 4, 1968

"The secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions."

- voice on tape

Raymond Halder is the owner of a chain of clinics and runs a drug counterfeiting ring. Gant Pharamaceuticals released a drug that helps against primary vascular disease, but the drug is being withdrawn since Halder flooded the market with potentially fatal counterfeits. Gant plans to resissue the drug and the IMF must stop Halder from counterfeiting the new version.

Director: Lee H. Katzin, Writer: Allan Balter / William Read Woodfield

Guest starring: Edmund O'Brien, Frank Campanella, Noah Keen, Roy Engel, Joe Breen, Jon Lormer, Dave Armstrong, Aaron Fletcher, Bob Board

When Jim is listening to the tape, the selector on the player is in the rewind position.

On the laser machine, the word "RECEIVE" is spelled "RECIEVE".

During the demonstration of the ultrasonic projector, the wine goblet would not have danced the way it did, as the resonant frequency for the goblet would be in the audible range, not the ultrasonic range.

21.  The Town

February 18, 1968

"Mrs. Phelps?"

- Rollin Hand

On holiday and going to meet Rollin at a mountain lodge, Jim stops off in a small town. However, a young couple drop a package containing a gas gun. Exposed, an old man named Doc takes Jim prisoner. The town is populated entirely by enemy agents and they plan to kill a Soviet defector in L.A.

Director: Michael O'Herlihy, Writer: Sy Salkowitz

Guest starring: Will Geer, William O'Connell, Eddie Ryder, Brioni Farrell, Robert Pickering, Robyn Millan, Dee Carroll, Gregg Palmer, George Perina, Glen Gordon

In a rare instance, the episode does not start with Phelps receiving an assignment via a recording. Instead, he stumbles into an assignment while on vacation.

When Rollin and Cinnamon have to make a mask of the doctor (played by Will Geer) "on the fly," Cinnamon takes a fairly stiff piece of clear plastic and melts it in the doctor's sterilizing oven to create the mask. Such plastic, if melted and reconstituted, would have hardened into a rigid, mostly clear constituent; it never would have provided the flexible, flesh-like material of the mask depicted, which would have required some kind of latex. Also, the mask Rollin makes of the doctor's face has a smooth upper lip even though the original mold was made with the doctor's mustache intact.

22.  The Killing

February 28, 1968

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. We recently learned that, in order to carry out the underworld's policy of enforcement, this man, Bert Gordon, has set up an organization similar to the old 'Murder, Inc.' Gordon will arrange for the disposal of anyone, anywhere, for a price. The victims always disappear with no evidence of foul play and the body is never recovered. Although we are sure Gordon is behind this murder ring, he has kept himself so far removed from the actual killings, we have been unable to pin anything on him. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is put him away for good. As always, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Please dispose of this recording in the usual manner. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Burt Gordon has set up a new version of Murder, Inc. for the Synidcate. The IMF need to get evidence of his actions. Jim and Cinnamon become Gordon's new neighbors, and their brother Rollin claims they are being haunted by the ghost of their long-dead sibling. Cinnamon seduces Gordon and wants him to kill her husband (Jim) who later comes back to haunt Gordon.

Director: Lee H. Katzin, Writer: Allan Balter / William Read Woodfield

Guest starring: Gerald S. O'Loughlin, Roy Jenson, Walter Mathews

When Connie takes Jim's "body" to the lumber yard for incineration, Connie enters the yard in a Chrysler Imperial. Connie then gets out of a Lincoln Continental. Finally, he takes Jim's "body" out of the Chrysler.

Barney's 'repair' of the cut telephone cord would have failed. He reconnected each of the four conductors, but did not insulate the individual conductors when taping the splice. This would have caused the telephone line to short out, making the telephone unusable. In addition, because of the short, none of the telephones in the entire house connected to that telephone line would work.

The IMF team runs wind machines and create fake lightning and thunder for a long period of time. So how come none of the other neighbors noticed the disturbance?

23.  The Phoenix

March 3, 1968

"I learned a long time ago it is much easier to explain too much caution then to bleed for not enough. Perhaps that's why I'm still alive."

- Prohosh

Former internal security director Stefan Prohosh has been demoted to director of a museum. He has stolen an experimental metal alloy and concealed it in a modern sculpture at his museum, and plans to sell it to a foreign power to get them to back his bid for power. The IMF must recover the metal and stop Prohosh.

Director: Robert Totten / John D.F. Black, Writer: John D.F. Black / Edward de Blasio

Guest starring: Norbert Siegfried, Max Klevin, Louis Massad, Charles Hovarth, Mills Watson, Peggy Rea, Charles H. Radilak, Scott Hale, Alf Kjellin

The briefing scene (Phelps entering the industrial shop, turning off the blowtorch and listening to the tape) is re-used footage from the season two episode, "Charity". the only changes are the audio content of the tape and the photograph of Prohosh.

24.  Trial by Fury

March 10, 1968

"Good afternoon, Mr. Phelps. Manuel Delgado, the patron saint of his country's freedom body, recently was sent to prison by the totalitarian regime now in power. To help Delgado continue to lead the resistance movement from behind bars, this man, Santos Cardoza, had himself arrested and imprisoned. Needing freedom of action in order to act as liaison, Cardoza managed to become a trustee. This is a grave danger to him because the other convicts believe him to be an informer and Cardoza cannot reveal the true reasons for his actions. Your mission is to expose the real informant and keep Cardoza alive so he may continue to aid Mendoza. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

The head of a country's freedom party, Manuel Delgado, has been imprisoned by the dictatorship of his country. Cardoza, Delgado's assistant and liaison with the outside, has had himself arrested but is now believed to be an informer by the other convicts. The IMF must keep Cardoza from being killed by his fellow inmates and expose the real informer. Jim and Barney go in as prisoners, while Rollin goes in as a guard and Cinnamon as a Red Cross officer.

Director: Leonard Horn, Writer: Sy Salkowitz

Guest starring: Michael Tolan, Sid Haig, Joseph Bernard, Shep Sanders, Gil Galvano, Jay Della, Don Paulin, Ernest Sarracino, Edmund Hashim, Victor French, Paul Winfield

The prison camp in this episode is the "Stalag 13" set from Hogan's Heroes (1965) with some minor redressing. In the original movie Stalag 17 (1953) which this episode was based on, Peter Graves played Sgt Price, the informer for the Nazi POW camp.

25.  Recovery

March 17, 1968

"Good morning, Mr. Phelps. Last night, one of our SAC bombers crashed behind the Iron Curtain. The plane's fail-safe mechanism did not destruct and it's been taken to the Vatria Institute, which is headed by the brilliant American physicist Paul Shipherd, who defected several years ago. If Shipherd succeeds in dissembling the mechanism, he will learn the key to our entire fail-safe system. Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to recover the fail-safe before Shipherd can take it apart and bring Shipherd back. As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Please dispose of this recording in the usual manner. Good luck, Jim."

- voice on tape

Paul Shipherd, a defector from the U.S., has been put in charge of dissecting a SAC bomber fail-safe at the Vatzia Institute. The IMF must steal the fail-safe and recover Shipherd. As the pilot of the bomber, Jim plants the idea Shipherd should talk to the manufacturer in Duluth, and conveniently a wheelchair-bound Rollin and his wife Cinnamon are from the factory in Duluth.

Director: Robert Totten, Writer: Allan Balter / William Read Woodfield

Guest starring: Art Stewart, Judy Levitt, Gregory Gaye, Peter Hellman, Peter Coe, Emile Genest, Bradford Dillman

This appears to be the first episode in the series which has a "Your mission, should you decide to accept it" scene that is not followed by the usual Jim-selects-his-team-from-his-photo-dossier scene. The story moves directly from the flaming tape in the ash tray to the standard "final briefing" scene, where Jim and the usual team members (no guest stars on the good guys' side in this one) review the overall mission and the last details are confirmed.

When they are trying to open the device they are using small microphones to listen to the clicks of the combination lock. The "microphones" are clearly made of glass and are, in actuality, miniature light bulbs. This is something that would have gone unnoticed in 1968 but we can spot easily on modern big screen TVs.


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