There was a time when
you could only be subjected to people's boring slide shows by
physically visiting someone's home. Now thanks to the interwebs we
can see anyones slide show, any time, anywhere!
Oh the humanity!
With that in mind Doug
and Brenda have taken photos from our AC Club files and made some
fascinating (their words) slide shows. These slide shows can be found
on our Hall of Fame exhibit and Tiviaography pages. We have inserted
a random slide show so can see what all the fuss is about and you can navigate to others from the menu below.
Our Slide-Master slideshows are inspired by a toy we all loved as kids, The View-Master.
We've even included a few actual View-Master slideshows here as well. Of course it's not the same since they are not in 3-D but Doug says if you cross your eyes just right... you'll give yourself a headache. |
Full disclosure, Doug
and Brenda have included some of their vacation slides in the mix. If
you stumble across one of those make an excuse and get out while you can.
Our Slide Shows are created
using some of the Top Secret classified files found in the Neat Stuff
Hall of Fame AV Department Archives.
Take a look below for a
sample file.
Actually they are not
classified at all... it's just a collection of random Neat Stuff, Pop
Culture photos and Retro Advertising, and it's hardly Top Secret.
They leave it out for
anybody to look at. Like you... |