Why, that's the story of
my life - no respect; I mean, I don't get no respect at all! |
My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I
said I want a second opinion.
He said okay, youre ugly too. |
My wife was afraid of the dark...
then she saw me naked and now shes
afraid of the light. |
I told my dentist my teeth are going
yellow. He told me to wear a brown tie. |
I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me.
He said I was being ridiculous
everyone hasnt met me yet. |
What a dog I got, his favorite bone is in
my arm. |
I tell ya, my wife likes to talk during
sex. Last night, she called me from a motel. |
I was an ugly kid. I worked in a pet
store. People kept asking how big I get. |
I get no respect at all - When I was a
kid, I lost my parents at the beach. I asked a lifeguard to help me
find them. He said I don't know kid, there are so many places they
could hide. |
And my sex life is nothing to crow about.
At my age I'm envious of a stiff wind. |
I joined gamblers anonymous, they gave me
2 to 1 I wouldn't make it!
I joined AA, there was a two drink minimum! |
My girlfriend is so ugly, two guys broke
into her apartment.
She yelled RAPE! They yelled NO! |
Me and my dad used to play tag, he'd drive! |
My mom took me to a dog show and I won!! |
The sign on the bar said: 'girls- topless,
bottomless', I went inside and there was nobody there! |
I tell ya, I don't get
no respect ... Last week, my wife told me that she was going to cut
me down to twice a month. But I thought about it, and I figured that
it wasn't too bad. I know a couple of guys that she cut out completely. |
Do ya remember the first time you had sex?
I do, and boy, was I scared! I was alone! |
My wife's so dumb, she got a nail in the spare!! |
My daughters been picked up so many times
she's starting to grow handles. |
Oh I tell ya, with sex, my wife thinks
twice before she turns me down.
Once in the morning and once at night. |
I know Im ugly. I tell my doctor I
want to get a vasectomy.
He said with a face like mine, I dont
need one. |
I walked in on my wife and the milkman,
the first thing she says is don't tell the butcher! |
I'll tell ya, I don't get no respect...
The other day, I got back from a business trip. I got in a cab and
said to the driver, Hey! Take me to where the action is! So ya know
where he took me? He took me to my house! |
I got no sex life. At my age, I need a
designated lover. |
I was an ugly kid. When I was born, after
the doctor cut the cord, he hung himself. |
A man in the crowd asks: Hey Rodney, how'd
you get started?
Rodney: I was 12 years old, alone in my
room, and I got started! |
What a childhood I had. My mother never
breast-fed me.
She said she liked me as a friend. |
When I was a kid, we were poor.
We were so poor the rainbow was in black
and white. |
I tell ya, my family were always big drinkers.
When I was a kid, I was missing. They put
my picture on a bottle of Scotch. |
In my life I've been through plenty. when
I was three years old, my parents got a dog. I was jealous of the
dog, so they got rid of me. |
What a childhood I had. Once on my
birthday my ol' man gave me a bat.
The first day I played with it, it flew away. |
My kid he drives me nuts. For three years
now he goes to a private school.
He wont tell me where it is. |
In high school, I got no respect. I shared
a locker with a mop. |
I tell ya, my wife's a lousy cook.
After dinner, I don't brush my teeth. I
count them. |
What a doctor I got. I saw him, I told
him, Doc, I broke my arm in two places.
He told me to keep out of those places. |
I made love to an inflatable girl. Now I
got an inflatable guy looking for me. |
When I was a kid, I never went to Disneyland.
My ol' man told me Mickey Mouse died in a
cancer experiment. |
My trouble is my sex life is on hold and I
got no one to hold it! |
I like to date schoolteachers.
If you do something wrong, they make you
do it over again. |
I was crossing the street; I was hit by
the Bookmobile.
I was lying there in pain, moaning, and
the guy went, Shhhhh. |
When I was a kid, my whole neighborhood
made fun of my brother.
They called him four eyes. Later on he got
glasses. Now they call him eight eyes. |
When I was a kid I got
no respect. When my parents got divorced there was a custody fight
over me... and no one showed up. |
My old man never liked me. He gave me my
allowance in traveler's checks. |
When I was a kid, my parents went
shopping. They always took me with them, ya know. That way they could
park in the handicap section. |
A homeless guy came up to me on the
street, said he hadn't eaten in four days.
I told him, Man, I wish I had your willpower. |
I tell ya, I grew up in a tough
neighborhood. The other night a guy pulled a knife on me. I could see
it wasn't a real professional job. There was butter on it. |
I went to my doctor and told him, Hey,
Doc! I just took an entire bottle of sleeping pills. What should I
do? He said, Go home, have a couple of drinks, and get some rest!! |
I saw my psychiatrist. I told him Doc, I
keep thinking Im a dog.
He said, how long has this been going on?
I told him, since I was a puppy.
Then he told me to lay on the couch, facedown. |
I come home from work early one day, and I
see a guy jogging down the street in his underwear. I ask him, Why
are you jogging in your underwear?
He says, You came home from work early. |
Well I have no sex life. A dog can watch
me in the bedroom to learn how to beg.
He taught my wife to roll over and play dead. |
Oh with my wife, I dont get no
respect. Last night some guy knocked on the front door. She told me
to hide in the closet. |
I tell ya, sex is getting harder all the
time. Me and my wife were trying to have sex for hours last night and
I finally gave up. I asked her, what, you can't think of anybody either? |
I tell ya, my wife and I, we got problems.
I want to see a marriage counselor and she wants to go on the Jerry
Springer show. |
By the way, I tried to get on the Jerry
Springer show.
Yeah, they turned me down; I got all my teeth. |
I came from a real tough neighborhood.
I put my hand in some cement and felt
another hand. |
I tell ya, when I was a kid, my old man
never liked me. He took me to the zoo.
He told me to go over to the leopard and
play connect the dots. |
Every week my old man took me to the zoo.
I found out he was trying to make a trade. |
Every time my wife takes
the car, theres trouble.
The other day, she came
home, there were 100 dents in the car.
She told me she took a
short-cut through a golfing range. |
My car broke down just the other day,
I called triple A, they came and towed me away! |
I told my doctor I wanna stop aging, he
gave me a gun! |
I'm getting so old my insurance company
sends me 1/2 a calendar! |
I told my doctor I got water on my knee,
he gave me a sponge and raised his fee! |
When I was born I brought no joy, my
father said he wanted a boy! |
When I was a kid, I had no friends. I
remember the sea-saw.
I had to keep running from one end to the other. |
I took my son to Coney island, I said
wanna go in the crazy house?,
he said save your money we'll be home soon! |
And my girlfriend, she's FAT! How fat?
She's so fat she wears two watches - one
for each time zone! |
She was so fat that her bathtub has
stretch marks. |
I found there was only one way to look
thin: hang out with fat people. |
My wife is never nice. She won a trip for
two to Las Vegas. She went twice. |
When my wife was pregnant, I told her, I
said honey, if it looks like you itll be beautiful. She said,
if it looks like you, itll be a miracle. |
I have good looking kids. Thank goodness
my wife cheats on me. |
I tell ya, Im in bad shape. I joined
a weight lifting class. They started me with balloons. Very bad
shape. I hurt myself playing Simon Says. |
I live in a tough neighborhood.
They got a children's
zoo. Last week, four kids escaped. |
My wife told me, she was going to run away
from home. Luckily, I live on a cliff. |
If it wasn't for pick-pockets I'd have no
sex life at all. |
I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I
didn't want to interrupt her. |
People have too much hate in them. I hear
these guys talk, they hate their mother-in-law; they hate their
mother-in-law. Me, I love my mother-in-law.
Its her daughter I cant stand. |
I looked up my family tree and found three
dogs using it. |
I saved a girl from being attacked last
night. I controlled myself. |
Oh she was a wild girl.
But her idea of safe sex is making sure
the car doors are all locked. |
I tell ya, when I was a kid I got no
respect. When I went on a roller coaster, my old man, he told me to
stand up straight. |
You know, the doctors say when you have
sex, you lose 150 calories.
I had sex once. I lost 150 calories, my
watch and my wallet. |
Oh, Im getting old. A girl asked me
if I wanted to have some super sex.
I took the soup. |
I remember the time I was kidnapped and
they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof. |
I was so ugly my mother used to feed me
with a sling shot. |
I went to a fight the other night, and a
hockey game broke out. |
My wife has a temper. The other night she
was yelling, youre an animal, youre an animal. So I took
a leak in the living room and I told her, from now on, thats my territory. |
Most of the arguments to which I am party
fall somewhat short of being impressive, knowing to the fact that
neither I nor my opponent knows what we are talking about. |
I did a show. The whole audience was gay.
I did great. I mean, after the show. |
My marriage is on the
rocks again, yeah, my wife just broke up with her boyfriend. |
The other night my wife met me at the
front door. She was wearing a sexy negligee. The only trouble is she
was coming home. |
My wife wants sex in the back of the car
and she wants me to drive. |
On Halloween, the parents sent their kids
out looking like me. |
When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept
covering me up. |
I tell ya my old man was strict. He said,
No drinking in the house.
I had two brothers who died of thirst. |
I tell ya, my old man, he never liked me.
He told me to start at the bottom.
He was teaching me how to swim. |
With me, nothing goes right. My
psychiatrist said my wife and I should have sex every night. Now,
we'll never see each other! |
My psychiatrist, hes a beauty.
He told me Ive got a split
personality and from now on, I have to pay him twice. |
My wife, shes happy Ive got a
split personality. She likes two guys at once. |
I tell ya, nothing works out. I bought a
book, 100 Ways To Make Love.
I ended up in traction - it was a misprint. |
Nothing works out. I bought an Apple
computer. There was a worm in it! |
Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a
bartender, 'Make me a zombie.'
He said 'God beat me to it.' |
I'm not a sexy guy. I went to a hooker. I
dropped my pants. She dropped her price. |
I tell you, I'm not a sexy guy. I was the
centerfold for Playgirl magazine.
The staples covered everything! |
Last week I told my psychiatrist, I keep
thinking about suicide.
He told me from now on I have to pay in advance. |
I tell ya when I was a kid, all I knew was
rejection. My yo-yo, it never came back! |
When I was born I was so
ugly the doctor slapped my mother. |
I'm at the age where food has taken the
place of sex in my life.
In fact, I've just had a mirror put over
my kitchen table. |
I'll tell ya, my wife and I, we don't
think alike.
She donates money to the homeless, and I
donate money to the topless! |
A hooker once told me she had a headache. |
One night I came home. I figured, let my
wife come on.
I'll play it cool. Let her make the first
move. She went to Florida. |
My wife, how could I trust her? My kid was
born; 4 guys gave me cigars. |
Oh Im a bad drinker. I got loaded
one night, the next day I ended up in front of a judge. He told me,
Youre here for drinking. I said, Ok your honor, lets get started. |
One time I went to a hotel. I asked the
bellhop to handle my bag.
He felt up my wife! |
I came from a real tough neighborhood.
I bought a waterbed and found a guy at the
bottom of it. |
I bought a waterbed. I went to grab my
wife; she had drifted away. |
Last week I saw my psychiatrist. I told
him, Doc, I keep thinking I'm a dog.
He told me to get off his couch. |
I tell ya, with my wife, I got no sex
life. Just when I get going, she wakes up. |
I'm a bad lover. Once I caught a peeping
tom booing me. |
I went to a massage parlor. It was self service. |
Oh I tell ya, she was old. Well when she
was born, the Dead Sea wasnt even sick. |
When I was a kid I got no respect. The
time I was kidnapped, and the kidnappers sent my parents a note they
said, We want five thousand dollars or you'll see your kid again. |
When I was a kid, I was ugly. My mother
breastfed me through a straw. |
I knew a girl so ugly, the last time I saw
a mouth like hers
it had a hook on the end of it. |
The first time I
hitchhiked, I got beat up. Yeah, I used the wrong finger. |
When I was born the doctor took one look
at my face, turned me over and said, Look, twins! |
I knew a girl so ugly, she had a face like
a saint - a Saint Bernard! |
I stuck my head out the window and got
arrested for mooning. |
My wife made me join her bridge club ... I
jump next Tuesday. |
What a dog I got. Last night he went on
the paper 4 times -
3 while I was reading it |
A travel agent told I could spend 7 nights
in HAWAII no days just nights. |
I tell ya with girls, I dont get no
respect. I had a date with a girl, I waited two hours at the corner.
A girl showed up. I said, Are you Louise?
She said, Are you Rodney? I said, Yeah.
She said, Im not Louise. |
I once went out with this wild girl.
She made French toast and got her tongue
caught in the toaster. |
At Christmas time I sat on Santa's lap.
His fly was open ! Boy what a present he
gave me ! |
What a childhood I had. When I was 10
years old, I found out Alpo was dog food. |
His breath is so bad why every time he
smokes he blow onion rings. |
I worked a nightclub. The boss told me
hed pay me under the table.
I waited there for 2 hours; he never
showed up. |
My wife and I, are you kidding? Our
relationship is on and off.
Every time I get on, she tells me to get off. |
I once went out with this girl, she was no
bargain either, she showed up with pigtails under her arms. |
I tell ya, I never had any luck with
girls. I took out a Mexican girl. It took me 2 years; I taught her
how to speak English. Her first words were, Im leaving you. |
My wife has to be the worst cook. Her
specialty is indigestion. |
One night she told me to
put out the garbage.
I told her you cooked
it, you take it out. |
Boy is my wife stupid. It takes her and
hour and a half to watch 60 minutes. My daughters no bargain either.
In public school she was voted most likely to conceive. |
For Christmas one year I bought my son a
BB gun.
He bought me a t-shirt with a bulls eye on
the back. |
My wife has to be the worst cook. I don't
believe meatloaf should glow in the dark. |
She failed her drivers test. She couldn't
get used to the front seat. It took her four lessons to learn to sit up. |
I once asked a policeman how far it was to
the subway.
He said, I don't know, no one has ever
made it. |
I'm at the age where I want two girls.
In case I fall asleep they will have
someone to talk to. |
Hospitality is the art of making guests
feel like they're at home when you wish they were |
When I was a kid, we were poor. We were so
poor when my father died, they asked my mother, Plastic or paper? |
Oh when I say Im lonely, Im
very lonely.
Well the other day in traffic, this guy
gave me the finger, and I enjoyed it. |
I came from a real tough neighborhood.
Why every time I shut the window I hurt
somebody's fingers. |
The other night, I told my wife, I hurt my
little pinky.
She said thats all right, were
not gonna have sex anyway. |
Once I pulled a job, I was so stupid.
I picked a guys pocket on an airplane and
made a run for it. |
I tell ya, yesterday, that was a beauty. I
found a guys wallet.
Inside was a picture of my two kids. |
I asked him Who said you
could fool around with my wife? He
said everybody. |
I went to look for a used car and found my
wife's dress in the back seat. |
My wife, she keeps me in line. No matter
how many guys are ahead of me. |
My wife told me to go to hell. I told her,
youre too late, Im there already. |
I once had a problem ... so I tried group sex.
Now I have a new problem - who to thank. |
My doctor told me not to make any quick
moves and my wife told me not to make any moves. |
Last year my birthday cake looked like a
prairie fire. |
Last week I was walking by a cemetery, two
guys came after me with shovels.
It was all about money. |
I took a survey: Why men get up in the
middle of the night. 10% get up to go to the bathroom. And 90% get up
to go home. |
They took a survey. They had 1,000
prisoners. They all said to them, For your last meal, what would you
like to have? 25% said steak. 24% said lobster.
And 50% said Jennifer Lopez. |
I came from a real tough neighborhood.
Once a guy pulled a knife on me.
I knew he wasn't a professional, the knife
had butter on it. |
I live in a bad neighborhood. I saw two
guys share a taxi.
One guy took the radio and the other guy
took the tires. |
I came from a real tough neighborhood.
On my street, the kids take hubcaps - from
moving cars. |
Why her cooking is so bad that the flies
pitched in to fix the screen door. I leave dental floss in the
kitchen and watch the roaches hang themselves. |
My wife is so fat that when she lays on
the beach the people feel sorry for her and try to roll her back into
the water. |
She was so fat that her belly button makes
an echo. |
I was making love to a girl. I told her,
youre so flat chested.
She said, get off my back. |
I remember I told my wife, will you marry me?
She said, if you really loved me, you
wouldnt ask me to do this. |
My wife has to be the
worst cook. In my house, we pray after we eat. |
There's only one thing wrong with my
wife's face - it shows. |
She was old too, when she went to school
they didn't have history. |
When we got married, the first thing my
wife did was put everything under both names. Yeah, her and her mothers. |
I came from a real tough neighborhood.
In the local restaurant I sat down and had
broken leg of lamb. |
When I was a kid, everyone thought I got
plenty of girls.
Id go to a drive in movie and do
push-ups in the backseat of my car. |
When I was a kid, we were poor. My teeth
were all yellow and I mean yellow.
When I smiled, I would stop traffic. |
I asked my wife if she enjoys a cigarette
after sex and she said,
No, one drag is enough. |
I got myself good this morning too.
I did my pushups in the nude, I didn't see
the mouse trap. |
My only thrill is self inflicted hickies. |
I loaned a guy $10,000 to have plastic surgery.
Now I cant find the guy. I dont
know what he looks like! |
I told my wife she was lousy in bed. She
went out to get a second opinion. |
My wife told me she wants plastic surgery.
She got plastic surgery. I cut up her
credit cards. |
Boy what a hotel that was, why they stole
my towel. |
What a dog I got, he found out we look
alike, so he killed himself. |
Im getting old. Ive got no sex
life. I get tired just holding up the magazine. |
I went to a gay bar, they wanted proof of
sex so I showed them,
they said it wasn't enough. |
I went to a freak show and they let me in
for nothing. |
When I was a kid, we were poor. We used to
sleep six in one bed.
I didnt know what it was like to
sleep alone until I got married. |
I was tired one night and I went to the
bar to have a few drinks. The bartender asked me, What'll you have? I
said, Surprise me. He showed me a naked picture of my wife. |
I think a hooker is more
important than a doctor. I mean, 4 oclock in the morning drunk,
Id never walk up five flights of stairs to see a doctor. |
What a childhood I had. When I took my
first step, my old man tripped me. |
During sex my wife always wants to talk to me.
Just the other night she called me from a hotel. |
I went to see my doctor... Doctor Vinnie
Boombatz. I told him once, Doctor, every morning when I get up and
look in the mirror I feel like throwing up. What's wrong with me? He
said, I don't know, but your eyesight is perfect. |
I was making love to this girl and she
started crying. I said, Are you going to hate yourself in the
morning? She said, No, I hate myself now. |
I knew a girl so ugly that she was known
as a two-bagger.
That's when you put a bag over your head
in case the bag over her head breaks. |
I knew a girl so ugly, they use her in
prisons to cure sex offenders. |
I went back to my hometown, to visit all
my ex-schoolteachers.
All I had to make was one stop - the cemetery. |
My doctor told me hell have me on my
feet in two weeks.
He was right. I got his bill; I had to
sell my car. |
I knew a girl so ugly, I took her to the
top of the Empire State building and planes started to attack her. |
My wife only has sex with me for a purpose.
Last night she used me to time an egg. |
I told my wife, how come when we kiss,
your eyes are always open?
She told me she was on the lookout for her boyfriend. |
My wife isn't very bright. The other day
she was at the store, and just as she was heading for our car,
someone stole it! I said, Did you see the guy that did it?
She said, No, but I got the license plate. |
I told my wife the
truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the
truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender. |
I asked my old man if I could go
ice-skating on the lake.
He told me, Wait til it gets warmer. |
When my old man wanted sex, my mother
would show him a picture of me. |
My doctor told me to watch my drinking.
Now I drink in front of a mirror. |
I drink too much. Way too much. My doctor
drew blood. He ran a tab. |
I remember I was so depressed I was going
to jump out a window on the tenth floor. They sent a priest up to
talk to me. He said, On your mark... |
Last week my tie caught on fire. Some guy
tried to put it out with an axe! |
I tell ya, my wife was never nice. On our
first date, I asked her if I could give her a goodnight kiss on the
cheek - she bent over! |
With my dog I don't get no respect. He
keeps barking at the front door.
He don't want to go out. He wants me to leave. |
I asked my wife last night, Were you
faking it? She said, No, I was really sleeping. |
Last night I had a dream. I took a walk
down memory lane.
And my wife was working it. |
Its tough to stay married.
My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet
she wont drink from my glass. |
I could tell my parents hated me.
My bath toys were a toaster and a radio. |
This morning when I put
on my underwear I could hear the fruit-of-the-loom guys laughing at me. |
I tell ya, my wife and I, we have our own arrangement.
Once a week, I go out with the boys and
once a week she goes out with the boys. |
My wife is always trying to get rid of me.
The other day she told me to put the garbage out. I said to her I
already did. She told me to go and keep an eye on it. |
With my wife I dont get no respect.
I made a toast on her birthday to the best woman a man ever
had. The waiter joined me. |
Life is just a bowl of pits. |
Well Im getting old. Ive got
no sex life.
If I squeeze into a parking space, Im
sexually satisfied. |
When I have sex with my wife, I always
have a mirror in the room.
Yeah, I put it under her nose to see if
shes breathing. |
A girl phoned me the other day and
said&ldots; Come on over, theres nobody home.
I went over. Nobody was home. |
My uncles dying wish he
wanted me on his lap. He was in the electric chair. |
Well I dont get respect from anyone.
I met the surgeon general. He offered me a cigarette. |
My wife and I were happy for 20 years.
Then we met. |
Im not a sexy guy. My wedding night,
my wife said, this is it!
I told her, Honey, that was it. |
My wifes jealousy is getting ridiculous.
The other day she looked at my calendar
and wanted to know who May was. |
My cousins gay, he went to London
only to find out that Big Ben was a clock. |
My father carries around the picture of
the kid who came with his wallet. |
I drink too much. The last time I gave a
urine sample it had an olive in it. |
What a kid I got, I told
him about the birds and the bees and he told me about the butcher and
my wife. |
Marriage&ldots; its not a word,
its a sentence. |
We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner
apart, we take separate vacations were doing everything
we can to keep our marriage together. |
My wife, she loves vacations. Last night
she told me, I wanna go someplace Ive never been before. I took
her to a mens room. |
Last week I told my wife, If you would
learn to cook, I could fire the chef.
She said, If you could learn to make love,
I could fire the chauffeur. |
A lot of girls turn me down, you know? One
girl turned me down. She told me she had to go to work in the
morning. I told her Id be finished by then. |
I like Southern girls; they talk so slow.
By the time they say no, I made it already. |
A lot of girls turn me down, you know? One
girl turned me down. She told me she had to go to work in the
morning. I told her Id be finished by then. |
At 20 a man is full of fight and hope. He
wants to reform the world.
When he is seventy he still wants to
reform the world, but he knows he cant. |
I looked up my family tree and found three
dogs using it. |
My mother had morning sickness after I was born. |
One thing about football that dont
make sense, the two-minute warning. Everyone knows you got two
minutes to play, whats the big deal? To me, a two-minute
warning is like youre in bed with a chick; the phone rings.
Its her husband on his car phone. He says, Honey, Ill be
home in two minutes. Thats a two-minute warning. |
Today they got girls telling you from the
sidelines, telling you all about football; right, wrong, mistakes. I
dont like a girl reporting to me about football.
I dont like a girl telling me
Im two inches short. |
Just remember, its
lonely at the top, when theres no one on the bottom. |
I was so poor growing up if I
wasnt a boy Id have had nothing to play with. |
I get no respect. The way my luck is
running, if I was a politician I would be honest. |
Look out for number one and try not to
step in number two. |
Lifes a short trip. Youll find out. |
People say fish is good for
a diet. But fish should never be cooked in butter.
Fish should be cooked in
its natural oils - Texaco, Mobil, Exxon... |
I bought a new Japanese
car. I turned on the radio...
I don't understand a word
they're saying. |
I bought a perfect second
car... a tow truck. |
I have three kids, one of each. |
I have nothing but troubles
with my car.
Every Sunday I take my
family out for a push. |
Oh, when I was a kid in
show business I was poor.
I used to go to orgies to
eat the grapes. |
When I was a kid my parents
moved a lot, but I always found them. |
I had plenty of pimples as
a kid. One day I fell asleep in the library.
When I woke up, a blind man
was reading my face. |
In the school I went to,
they asked a kid to prove the law of gravity and he threw the teacher
out of the window. |
My cousin is gay; in school
while other kids were dissecting frogs,
he was opening flies. |
My cousin is gay; he went
to London only to find out that Big Ben was a clock. |
My kid wants to be a prison
warden when he grows up so he can put thumb tacks on the electric chairs. |
I come from a stupid
family. My father worked in a bank. They
caught him stealing pens. |
One time my whole family
played hide and seek.
They found my mother in Pittsburgh! |
Oh when I was a kid, I got no respect. I
played hide and seek.
They wouldnt even look for me. |
With my old man I got no
respect. I asked him, 'How can I get my kite in the air?'
He told me to run off a cliff. |
When I was born, the doctor
came out to the waiting room and said to my father, 'I'm very sorry.
We did everything we could. But he pulled through.' |
I tell ya with my old man, I never got
respect. He told me, Never take candy from strangers, unless he
offered me a ride. |
My old man, I told him I'm
tired of running around in circles.
So he nailed my other foot
to the floor. |
I come from a stupid family.
During the Civil War my
great uncle fought for the West. |
I looked up my family tree
and found out I was the sap. |
What a childhood I had. My
parents sent me to a child psychiatrist.
The kid didnt help me
at all. |
The other night a mugger
took off his mask and made me wear it. |
My sex life is terrible; my
wife put a mirror over the dog's bed.
Actually she did put a
mirror over our bed. She says she likes to watch herself laugh. |
At my age, I want to get sex over quickly.
Then I can take my nap. |
The big difference between
sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a
lot less. |
My problem is that I
appeal to everyone that can do me absolutely no good. |
With girls, I don't think
right. I had a date with one girl, she had mirrors all over her
bedroom. She told me to come over and bring a bottle. I got Windex. |
I'm taking Viagra and
drinking prune juice - I don't know if I'm coming or going. |
When we got married, my wife told me I was
one in a million.
I found out she was right. |
From my wife, I dont get no respect.
I fell asleep with a cigarette in my hand.
My wife lit it. |
I know the best way to get
girls. I hang out at prisons and wait for parolees. |
I tell ya with girls, I never have any luck.
A belly-dancer told me I turned her stomach. |
I tell ya when I was a kid, I got no
respect. My old man took me to a freak show. They said, Get the kid
out, hes distracting from the show. |
One year they asked me to
be poster boy - for birth control. |
You wanna have laughs? Do
what I do. When I go through a tollbooth, I keep going. I tell the
guy, The car behind me is paying for two. |
I was such an ugly kid...
when I played in the
sandbox, the cat kept covering me up. |
I tell ya, when I was a kid I got no
respect. I told my mother Im going to run away from home. She
said, On your mark... |
My wife has to be the worst
cook. Her specialty is indigestion. |
Last night I came home, I picked up the
extension. My wife was talking to some guy on the phone. I told the
guy, Dont let her fool you. Shell fake it! |
Last night my wife told me people are
looking in our bathroom; I gotta buy shades.
I said, look, lets let them keep
looking all right; theyll buy the shades. |
Oh, last week was a rough
week. I noticed my gums were shrinking.
I was brushing my teeth
with Preparation H. |
My wife had her driver's
test the other day. She got 8 out of 10. The
other 2 guys jumped clear. |
I tell you, sex with my wife is
ridiculous. Her favorite position is facing Bloomingdales. |
I said to a girl, come on honey, Ill
show you where its at.
She said, you better. The last one
couldnt find it. |
I had a good time last
week. I did a show; the whole audience was midgets.
I got a standing ovation -
I didn't even know it! |
Just remember, a crowded elevator smells
different to a midget. |
When I go to a nude beach, I always take a
ruler with me.
In case I have to prove something. |
I never had any luck with a nude beach. I
went to a nude beach; they kicked me out. They said its
impolite to point. |
Well that was a wild beach. The day I was
there they had a wedding.
A wedding on a nude beach; everyone knew
who the best man was, you know? |
I'll tell you one thing, I
know how to satisfy my wife in bed. Yeah, I leave. |
My wife's not too smart. I
told her our kids were spoiled.
She said, All kids smell
that way. |
My wife has to be the worst
cook. I've got the only dog who begs for Alka-Seltzer. |
My wife has to be the worst
cook. In my house, we pray after we eat. |
I remember one guy gave her
a good piece of his mind.
Yeah, it was right after
she took a good piece of his leg. |
My wife's a great driver;
she once hit a deer. It was in a zoo. There is a pair of shoes on the
dashboard. They belong to the last guy she hit. |
Why, her cooking is so bad
that the flies pitched in to fix the screen door.
I leave dental floss in the
kitchen and watch the roaches hang themselves. |
I cant lose any weight. I tried
jogging; I keep running into restaurants. |
I told my landlord I wanted to live in a
more expensive apartment.
He raised my rent. |
When I was born, I got
no respect. The
doctor told my mother, I did all I could, but he pulled through anyway. |
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