Percy Dovetonsils was an
"artiste" and "poet laureate" who is best
remembered for appearing on various Ernie Kovacs' TV programs in the
1950s. Percy's segments were always introduced with a sweeping
flourish of harp music and he would appear seated in a chair wearing
a zebra-patterned smoking jacket, and reading from an oversize book
lying open in his lap. Although his performance might be considered
politically incorrect today, it was clear that Percy was thoroughly
comfortable with himself, from his weirdly slicked hair (including
two carefully placed spit-curls on his forehead) and extraordinarily
thick eyeglasses that appeared to have eyes painted on the backsides
of the lenses. Percy would address the audience in a syrupy lisp and
read his poems out of the book while sipping from a martini glass
(which often had a daisy for a swizzle stick) and/or smoking through
a long cigarette holder. |
"He's a
beautiful soul who hasn't quite made
it over the line into
this rude, virile world." |
- Ernie Kovacs |
Philosophical Ruminations on a Beastie in
the Booze
By Percy Dovetonsils |
Oh, hail to thee, tiny insect so small,
Swimming around in my bourbon highball.
Back-stroking, breast-stroking, movement
of wing,
Now up on the ice cube, poor cold little thing.
If you stay there too long, you'll find
with remorse,
Your ankles will numb and your buzz will
get hoarse.
Catching cold is unpleasant for all little flies,
Bloodshot is gruesome for multiprism eyes.
Some people hate flies, take my old Cousin Sam,
He gets in a snit when you sit in his jam.
I've seen sister Sally turn red as a beet
When you walk on her nose with your six
sticky feet.
When you walk on the ceiling, your brow
seems to frown,
Does blood go to your head, when you stand
upside down?
My optometrist friend, a dear boy named Rex,
Makes bifocals for flies - he calls them
fly specs.
Now you're coughing because you are so
full of trouble,
Or is it the bourbon that's making you bubble?
You should get off the ice, the
temperature's minus,
You'll get frost in your navel and a wee
touch of sinus. |
I'm so sick of dieting
By Percy Dovetonsils |
I'm so sick of dieting
I really feel bombastic.
There's candy without sugar,
Rolls without butter,
and lard that's made of plastic.
It's the lowering of calories I've really
grown to hate
they're so low now they're shoved in under
the plate.
Oh Suzette's were made for crepe-ing
and ice cream is to be caked.
Hawaii is great for vacation,
but Alaska was made to be baked. |
O' Some Times I Wish I
Were a Dog
By Percy Dovetonsils |
O' sometimes I wish I were a dog,
A Boxer or Cocker Spaniel
Or perhaps a German Spitz,
Or maybe a Chihuahua named Manuel.
I met a girl named Doberman
An without a doubt it's cinch, her
Figures the greatest I've ever seen
Now I wish I were a Doberman Pinch-her. |
By Percy Dovetonsils |
Oh Adam and Eve wore fig leaves,
In the earliest of earth's known years
They wore them through Spring and through Summer,
Labeling them his and hers.
They caught dreadful colds though, soon after,
At least historians so recall.
The fig leaves were swell in the summer,
But what happened to those leaves in the
fall ? |
Ode from a Germ's Eye Viewpoint
By Percy Dovetonsils |
As a germ I'm smaller than the flea.
For I can see you,
But you can't see me.
My mother is in pictures,
You've seen her on the screen.
She gave chicken pox to Allan Ladd
And mumps to Bobby Breen.
But my sister is at Vassar,
At sports she's really a dream.
Last week they made her captain
Of the Streptococci-team. |
Mona Lisa
By Percy Dovetonsils |
Mona Lisa you always smile
Like Heather up on the heath.
How come you never laugh out loud,
Could be you have bad teeth.? |
The Moon
By Percy Dovetonsils |
The moon is full of craters
It has some mountains too,
But because there are no people,
No one goes to the Zoo. |
Leslie the Mean Animal Trainer
By Percy Dovetonsils |
Leslie worked in a circus
he worked in a great big cage.
He smacked the lions
and beat the bears
and put them all in a rage.
He kicked the lions with iron sneakers
and rolled up army cots.
He put cleaning fluid on all the leopards
and sneered when they lost their spots.
But a chimpanzee got even with him...
Leslie got killed by some smells,
when he stuck his head the lion's mouth
He had liver smeared on his lapels. |
Beautiful Dreamer
By Percy Dovetonsils |
Beautiful dreamer
your fun never stops
but put out the butt now
because here comes the cops. |
By Percy Dovetonsils |
O cowboy so lean,
O cowboy so tall,
You sit there straight as an arrow.
But side-saddle you ride,
Instead of astride.
Are you perhaps a gay ranchero? |
Ode to a Bookworm
By Percy Dovetonsils |
Oh hail to thee thou streamlined fellow,
You go through my books like
A fork goes through Jell-O.
When I open a book and
Look back at the binding,
Little crumbs from your lunch
Always I'm finding.
I saw you first, so trim and so spruce,
As you gummed a few pages out of my mother goose.
You browsed though my shelves, In your eye
was a twinkle,
As you ate the first chapter of old Rip
Van Winkle.
The next time I saw you I was so miffed.
You ate off the ending of inventor Tom Swift
You made little bites so round and so tidy,
All over the back of my copy of Heidi.
And then you reached manhood, I recall
with some pain
When you first bit your way into Mickey Spillane.
You ate chapter 1 and then began rushing,
On chapter 13 I noticed you blushing.
As the years pass on by you continue to munch,
You were big enough then to eat Ivanhoe
for lunch.
Then you ate Lawrence of Arabia, I heard
your loud sigh,
As you lay gasping for water - the book
was so dry.
Today is your birthday, may you live good
and long,
So the night will be filled with your
nibbling song.
Now you can eat my presents from the back
to the front
For today I've enrolled you in the
"Book of the Month." |