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"Oh, Rob!"

- W.J. Flywheel, Webporium Curator



Carl Reiner continues as producer of the series's fourth season of popular and critical acclaim. Story consultants Bill Persky and Sam Denoff write a majority of the season's scripts, with notable contributions from Reiner, Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, and Joseph C. Cavella, among others.

1. My Mother Can Beat Up My Father

September 23, 1964

"I mean, just because your male ego took a beating today is no reason to attack my femininity."

- Laura Petrie

Laura flattens an obnoxious drunk after he slugs Rob, but mainly succeeds in wounding her husband's delicate pride.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Paul Gilbert, Ken Berry, Tom Avera, Imelda de Martin, Lou Cutell

2. The Ghost of A. Chantz

September 30, 1964

"Well, yeah, there was a guy told Rob that the... that the place is haunted!
And he says there's a guy got murdered here and he's coming back and he's gonna get all of us!"

- Buddy Sorrell

Alan has invited Mel, Rob, Laura, Buddy and Sally to a fishing lodge for a working weekend. With Alan and Mel settled in their rooms, the other four arrive to find there are no rooms for them since Mel forgot to book them. The lodge is completely full, but the desk clerk does offer them a secluded cabin that has not been used in three years. The last occupant of that cabin, the wealthy Amos Chantz, disappeared without a trace. Legend has it that Amos haunts it. Rob and Buddy decide to take the cabin, and though slightly scared of the legend, they don't want Laura or Sally to learn about the haunting story. But, the legend may be difficult to hide when strange things start happening all around them once they're inside and one by one, the cabin inhabitants start disappearing. This is one of our Hall of Fame Staff favorite episodes.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Maurice Brenner, Milton Parsons

This was the first episode that Rose Marie appeared in after the untimely death of her husband, Bobby Guy, on May 27th, 1964. Filming took place on August 11th.

3. The Lady and the Baby-Sitter

October 7, 1964

"She's not my girlfriend. She never will be. She's unobtainable."

- Roger McChesney

"Oh, Roger. There's no such thing as that. You take Mrs. Petrie."

- Rob Petrie


- Roger McChesney

The Petries' teenage baby-sitter develops an adolescent crush on Laura. (Who didn't?). The babysitter is seventeen-year-old Roger McChesney, who gets along well with Ritchie, helps him with his homework, and even does odd jobs around their house. In speaking to a slightly distracted Roger, Laura detects that he's in unrequited love with a girl. He admits he is, but that the object of his affection doesn't know. Laura asks Rob to talk to Roger about the pitfalls of teenage love from the male perspective. Despite Roger's assertion that the girl is unattainable, Rob convinces Roger to tell the girl how he feels, unaware that the girl of Roger's affections is Laura.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Star: Eddie Hodges

4. A Vigilante Ripped My Sports Coat

October 14, 1964

"I am goin' to that dinner party tonight whether YOU go or NOT.
I'm gonna wear my new dress, and my new shoes, and - I'll tell ya somethin' else, Dr. Helper - I'm gonna have fun."

- Millie Helper

"No you're not, 'cause I'm goin' with you."

- Jerry Helper

Rob and Jerry, and by association Laura and Millie, aren't speaking to each other over an argument concerning Jerry and Millie's vigilante mentality of wanting to spray weed killer on a neighbor's crabgrass-infested lawn without his consent, of which Rob and Laura want no part. The two-week-old feud between the Petries and the Helpers suffers a twist when a dinner invitation arrives one week late.

Writer: Carl Reiner, Director: Peter Baldwin

This is the only episode that features a camera angle from outside the front door of the Petrie house. This edit also features the controversial remark, "Why don't you guys put hoods on your heads!.." as Rob loudly condemns Jerry's unlawful neighbourhood mob.

5. The Man From Emperor

October 21, 1964

"You know, I don't think he does half the things they print about him."

- Rob Petrie

"Well, I don't think they print half the stuff he does."

- Sally Rogers

Rob is tempted by an offer to join the editorial staff of a glossy men's magazine, though Laura has other ideas.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Carl Reiner, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Lee Philips, Gloria Neil, Nadia Sanders, Sally Carter, Tracy Butler

The voice of Sam, the receptionist who announces Rob's arrival at Drew's office, was supplied by Mary Tyler Moore. This is a reference to her role on the series 'Richard Diamond, Private Detective' as the answering service operator Sam, whose full face was never shown.

6. Romance, Roses, and Rye Bread

October 28, 1964

"It was a little token of love to the Cleopatra of Comedy from the Caesar of Sandwiches, to the Juliet of Jokes from the Romeo of Rye."

- Bert Monker

Sally discovers an unlikely admirer when the local deli man delivers a single red rose along with her chicken salad.

Writers: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Sid Melton, Jeri Lou James, Frank Adamo

"It's better to get a rose from a casual friend than to get a can of succotash from a hoodlum."

7. 4 1/2

November 4, 1964

"Oh, Rob!"

- Lyle Delp

Rob relates the story of how he and Laura became friends with Lyle Delp, a convict now in prison. Lyle had tried to mug Rob and a very pregnant Laura years ago in an elevator, but the stick up went from bad to worse when the elevator got stuck between the fourth and fifth floors.

Writers: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Star: Don Rickles

The holdup man is played by Don Rickles, who had known Bill Persky and Sam Denoff since the days when they wrote material for his nightclub act.

8. The Alan Brady Show Goes to Jail

November 11, 1964

"Is this the underwear of a criminal?"

- Rob Petrie

The gang's all set to perform a show for Lyle and his fellow inmates in prison. They unwisely choose to wear prisoner uniforms for one of the dance numbers, and Rob gets mistaken for a real prisoner.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Don Rickles, Robert Strauss, Arthur Batanides, Ken Lynch, Allan Melvin, Vincent Barbi

"There's a real sweetheart of a guy. Does great imitations. He did Dillinger so good, they're holding him over for twenty years."

[while in the prison] "Hey, girls, be careful where you sit down.
Be sure the chairs ain't plugged in."

"Hey, you wanna hear a little music?
You're gonna hear as little as possible."

"You know how they play Russian Roulette in India?
One of the cobras is hard of hearing."

9. Three Letters From One Wife

November 18, 1964

"Shut up, Mel."

- Alan Brady

Millie and Laura wage an ill-fated write-in campaign to bolster Rob's standing in Alan Brady's eyes. They write and send raving pseudo fan letters praising Alan Brady for hosting a documentary show on comedy that Rob wrote - only the show doesn't make it to air, and the letters meant to help Rob could help him right out of his job.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Carl Reiner, Valerie Yerke

This episode marks the very first time we ever see the unobstructed face of Alan Brady (played by Carl Reiner). Previously he was featured voice only, seen only from behind, dressed like Santa (beard and all) in a Christmas episode, and seen on a magazine cover in full clown makeup. The title is a play on words of the movie title A Letter to Three Wives (1949), and contrary to the title, the story deals with fourteen letters rather than three.

"Mel is so bald, the other day in the supermarket, a woman started squeezing his bald head to see if it was ripe."

"He'll be taking bows so fast, people will think he backed into a spear."

10. Pink Pills and Purple Parents

November 25, 1964

"Rob, how can you have an Italian motif without wine bottles?
So far, we've only got three. I wish you'd drink more."

- Laura Petrie

Rob recalls Laura's first disastrous encounter with his parents, after she'd taken a few too many of Millie's little pink pills to relax her nerves.

Writers: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Director: Alan Rafkin

Guest Stars: Isabel Randolph, Tom Tully

Director Alan Rafkin went on to become one of TV's most prolific comedy directors; his later credits include early episodes of The Andy Griffith Show, One Day at a Time, and MTM's The Bob Newhart Show, among many others.

11. It Wouldn't Hurt Them to Give Us a Raise

December 2, 1964

"We do all the work and the desert rat gets the gravy."

- Buddy Sorrell

On learning they're not the highest paid writers for their highest rated show, Sally and Buddy go on strike. Rob, speaking on their behalf for raises, gets a bewildering introduction to Alan's convoluted corporate structure.

Writers: Jay Burton, Ernest Chambers, Director: Peter Baldwin

Guest Star: Roger C. Carmel

Richard Deacon (regular cast member Mel Cooley), and Roger C Carmel (accountant Doug Wesley) both played Roger Buell on The Mothers-In-Law.

12. The Death of the Party

December 9, 1964

"Listen, go ahead and laugh at my chicken soup.
They laughed at Louis Pasteur, but he went right ahead and invented milk."

- Buddy Sorrell

Rob struggles to hide the severe symptoms of a flu virus at a family party for Laura's relatives rather than admit she was right against him golfing earlier that morning in damp conditions.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Alan Rafkin

Guest Stars: Willard Waterman, Jane Dulo, Patty Regan, Pitt Herbert

13. My Two Show-Offs and Me

December 16, 1964

"Look, if it'll make you feel any better, under all this glamour I'm wearing torn underwear."

- Buddy Sorrell

Mel wants a magazine reporter to watch the writers at work, but Rob thinks they'll all end up performing for the reporter instead of getting anything done. Turns out, that's not the half of it.

Writers: Sheldon Keller, Howard Merrill, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Star: Doris Singleton

"He's sharp. This guy got a... a trigger brain
- but I think the gun jammed."

14. Stretch Petrie Versus Kid Schenk

December 30, 1964

"Who's George Crenshaw?"

- Rob Petrie

"Oh, he's my Neil Schenk."

- Bill Sampson

Rob finds it impossible to stand up to Neil Schenk, an opportunistic old friend who comes fishing for a job in return for an ancient favor.

Writers: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Jack Carter, Peter Hobbs, Lynn Borden, Albert Carrier, Judy Taylor, Sally Carter


15. Brother, Can You Spare $2,500?

January 6, 1965

"Wait a minute! My bum's comin'! He's expecting me!"

- Rob Petrie

A genial hobo finds the show's script that Rob lost en route home, but Rob's extended description of its irreplaceable value gives the man the idea to hold it for ransom.

Writers: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Gene Baylos, Herbie Faye, Jimmy Cross, Tiny Brauer, Larry Blake, Brian Nash, Sheila Rogers

16. The Impractical Joke

January 13, 1965

"I just got a picture of you standing on the lawn screaming like a chicken."

- Laura Petrie

After Buddy targets Rob for a crank phone call, he expects a reprisal, but the longer Rob takes to pay him back, the more paranoid Buddy becomes, suspecting everything and everybody. Wary of being taken in by a practical joke, Buddy refuses to heed a visit from an agent of the Internal Revenue Service.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Lennie Weinrib, Alvy Moore, Johnny Silver

Rob Petrie's quote, "Oh, I think I broke my spleen." was echoed, 48 years later, in a 2013 Progressive.com commercial as Flo (Stephanie Courtney) missed her cue when Michael Buffer says "Lets get ready to bundle." (altering his famous catchphrase "Let's get ready to rumble"). His voice lingers for twelve seconds (on "bundle") while prompting Flo until she finally remembers her cue and hits the bundle button. Michael is last seen on the floor, weakly saying: "Oh, I think I broke my spleen."

Rob & Laura Petrie's telephone number, 636-9970 was revealed, when Phil Franklin, (Lennie Weinrib) asked Rob Petrie, "Is this New Rochelle-6-9970?". This pre-dates when all TV and movie phone numbers started with 555.

Guest star Alvy Moore is best known for his role as scatterbrained county agricultural agent Hank Kimball on the CBS television series Green Acres. Moore would return later in the season in The Case of the Pillow playing a different character.

17. Stacey Petrie - Part 1

January 20, 1965

18. Stacey Petrie - Part 2

January 27, 1965

"Well, it's a basic business principle, Millie. You should never open a nightclub the night after you've gone and told the girl you love that you're not James Garner.
Very bad for business."

- Rob Petrie

Rob's brother Stacey arrives bearing news that he is opening a nightclub in the city and is engaged to a girl named Julie (sort of). The problem is Stacey has yet to meet his betrothed, with whom he has only corresponded via letters, and hasn't actually asked her marry him yet. Julie only knows of Stacey as a friend of James Garner (no, not that James Garner). This James Garner was an army buddy of Staceys who had gotten Stacey to write his love letters to Julie for him. James eventually lost interest in Julie but not Stacey, who continued writing Julie for himself, still signing the letters with James' name. Stacey now has to tell Julie the truth about who wrote the letters but is hesitant to see or even telephone her as he fears his extreme shyness around women will make a bad impression. Thinking that having a practice date might help, Stacey gets Rob to ask Sally to help. Building up the courage to meet Julie, Stacey finally makes an appointment to see her, but her reaction to the truth may affect the success or failure of his business venture.

Writers: Carl Reiner, Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Jerry Van Dyke, Jane Wald, Kendrick Huxham, Herbie Faye, Carl Reiner

19. Boy #1, Boy #2

February 3, 1965

"Look, if I thought you were gonna use relatives on the show,
I'd have made a pitch for my cat."

- Sally Rogers

Millie and Laura become two terrible stage-mothers when Rob agrees to hire sons Ritchie and Freddie for a commercial directed by Mel Cooley.

Writer: Martin A. Ragaway, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Peter Oliphant, Colin Male

When Rob's film has finished, the lead-in reel on the projector is full while the take-up reel is empty (the opposite of what they should be after a film has been shown).

20. The Redcoats Are Coming

February 10, 1965

"I haven't heard screaming like this since I told my wife my mother was comin' for a visit."

- Buddy Sorrell

Rob agrees to have a popular British singing duo spend the night at his home when they appear on Alan's show. There's one catch: he's sworn to secrecy and cannot tell anyone about it for fear of touching off a Beatlemania-like fan frenzy. Two songs are featured in this episode: "No Other Baby" and "My, How the Time Goes By".

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Chad Stuart, Jeremy Clyde, Mollie Howerton, Bill Beckley, Wendy Wilson, Ellie Sommers, Trudi Ames

The Redcoats were played by the British folk-rock duo Chad and Jeremy. The duo also made several other US television guest appearances in addition to the Dick Van Dyke Show. The following week they appeared on The Patty Duke Show as an unknown British singing duo, "Nigel & Patrick", performing "A Summer Song", "The Truth Often Hurts the Heart" and "Yesterday's Gone". They also appeared as itinerant actors in "That's Noway, Thataway", a January 1966 episode of the comedic western Laredo, which was intended as a pilot for their own spin-off series.

The duo appeared as themselves in the December 1966 episodes "The Cat's Meow" and "The Bat's Kow Tow" of the television series Batman, in which the guest villain was Julie Newmar as Catwoman. In "The Cat's Meow", Catwoman attempts to "steal" the voices of Chad and Jeremy. During the latter episode, they sang "Distant Shores" and "Teenage Failure".

Jeremy Clyde appeared in 1966 as a bachelor contestant on The Dating Game, where he won. Chad Stuart voiced Flaps the vulture in Disney's 1967 film The Jungle Book. That same year, Clyde appeared on an episode of My Three Sons.

21. The Case of the Pillow

February 17, 1965

"Well, now, Mrs. Petrie, the defendant has already admitted that you telephoned him complaining about the chicken-smelling pillows. Now, would you now, to the best of your recollection and in your own words, tell us what transpired and ensued during that telephone call - keeping in mind at all times that you are under oath?"
[Laura looks lost]

- Rob Petrie

"Just tell what happened on the phone."

- Judge


- Laura Petrie

Rob fancies himself the next Perry Mason when he takes an unscrupulous pillow salesman to small claims court.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Howard Morris

Guest Stars: Ed Begley, Alvy Moore, Joel Fluellen, Amzie Strickland

If you watch carefully, there are wisps of feathers in the court room and especially around the judge even before Rob opens the package of feathers (probably from an earlier take).

When greeting Mrs. Wiley, Rob says, "How do you do, Mrs. Wiley?" This is the same catch phrase used by Ernest T. Bass in the Andy Griffith Show. Interestingly enough this episode was directed by Howard Morris, who played Bass on the Griffith Show. As further evidence that this was intentional, Morris's wife had the last name of Wiley.

22. Young Man With a Shoehorn

February 24, 1965

"Lady, I... I can't wait on you. I'm a married man."

- Rob Petrie

Rob and Buddy sign on as silent partners in a discount shoe store, but before long, they're pushing pumps on the sales floor after chasing off its only full-time salesman.

Writers: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Lou Jacobi, Milton Frome, LaRue Farlow, Amzie Strickland, Jane Dulo

"Hey, he was so belligerent, five pairs of shoes got up and walked out."

23. Girls Will Be Boys

March 3, 1965

"No, of course not. He tells you the brave things.
When he's chicken, he talks to me."

- Laura Petrie

Ritchie runs into girl trouble when he comes home with bruises inflicted by a bully named Priscilla.

Writers: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Bernard Fox, Tracy Stratford, Doris Singleton

24. Bupkiss

March 10, 1965

"Rob, would you just think what we could get with one million pennies?"

- Laura Petrie

Rob is surprised when a novelty song he penned with an old Army buddy pops up on the radio, but is dismayed to find out that his partner took all the credit.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Lee Philips

Guest Stars: Robert Ball, Greg Morris, Patty Regan, Tim Herbert, Charles Dugdale

When Rob calls the radio station about the song "Bupkis," he dials the phone number then realizes he should have first looked up the number in the phone book (present in the scene for that purpose); so, with the phone to his ear after dialing the number, he flips through the phone book, finds a number, then says, "Right!" as if he knew the number but was just confirming it. Dick van Dyke smiles as he starts his conversation with the radio station, knowing that he blew the scene. They used the take anyway.

Writers Persky and Denoff wrote "Bupkiss," which was recorded for the show by pop singers Dick and Dee Dee. "Bupkis" is an idiom meaning worthless, translating as "beans" or "animal droppings;" therefore, something worth "bupkis" is as worthless as beans or animal droppings. Sam Denoff heard this word from his mother, but after she saw the show (from amidst the studio audience), she told him that they couldn't air it.

"Yuk-a-Puk," which Buddy bemoans leaving the hit parade, was an actual song. It was one of many written by Morey Amsterdam, including "Why Oh Why Did I Ever Leave Wyoming?" and "Rum and Coca-Cola".

25. Your Home Sweet Home Is My Home

March 17, 1965

"No, the pigs are a symbol of our friendship."

- Rob Petrie

To explain his annual $37.50 "friendship" check to Jerry, Rob tells his new accountant the story of how he and Laura decided to buy their dream house, even after they discovered a massive rock in its basement.

Writers: Howard Ostroff, Joan Darling, Director: Lee Philips

Guest Stars: Stanley Adams, Eddie Ryder

At the end, Rob says he bought the house with the rock in the basement, even though it prevents him from having a full size pool table; but, in "Hustling the Hustler" (season 2) Rob does have a full size pool table in his basement, and no boulder, and the layout of the basement is completely different.

26. Anthony Stone

March 24, 1965

"Hey, let's get one thing straight. We have no right to pry into Sally's private business. It's just not right. Besides, Laura's pumpin' her right now."

- Rob Petrie

Sally falls head over heels over handsome, suave Anthony Stone, whom she met while on vacation in Jamaica but Rob and Buddy make the startling discovery that Sally's mysterious new boyfriend is a mortician, and a married one, at that.

Writer: Joseph C. Cavella, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Richard Angarola, Bob Hoffman

27. Never Bathe on Saturday

March 31, 1965

"Is there any particular reason why you're sawing so slowly?"

- Rob Petrie

"The best one. I'm seventy-five years old."

- Handyman

While on their second honeymoon, Laura finds herself in an embarrassing fix when she gets her toe stuck in the water spout of a fancy hotel bathtub, with the door locked from the inside and Rob on the outside.

Writer: Carl Reiner, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Bernard Fox, Bill Idelson, Kathleen Freeman, Arthur Malet, Johnny Silver

According to series creator, Carl Reiner, Mary Tyler Moore was in progress of quitting smoking cigarettes, completely, during this filming, and therefore was overly stressed and walked off set in protest of her lack of actual screen time in this episode, most of which she spent off screen in the hotel bathroom. Reiner placated Moore and she returned to the set, later admitting how humorous the episode turned out. This is one of Dick Van Dyke's favorite episodes.

28. A Show of Hands

April 14, 1965

"Nothing goes over worse at a formal dinner than the smell of sweaty bunny fur."

- Rob Petrie

Rob and Laura are forced to wear gloves to a prestigious awards banquet after they accidentally dye their hands an indelible shade of black.

Writer: Joseph C. Cavella, Director: Theodore J. Flicker

Guest Stars: Joel Fluellen, Henry Scott, Herkie Styles

29. Baby Fat

April 21, 1965

"Oh, R-Rob, it's hard to tell a... a writer that his stuff isn't funny."

- Alan Brady

"You tell me that every week."

- Rob Petrie

"D'oh, but you're a... you're a television writer."

- Alan Brady

The new play by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Harper Worthington Yates (his first comedy, called "Baby Fat") will debut on Broadway with Alan in the lead. It will mark Alan's much desired Broadway debut, but Alan thinks the play, as a comedy, stinks and wants Rob to doctor the script by adding more big laughs. The problem: Yates is to know nothing of Alan's dissatisfaction or Rob's doctoring. Alan plans to memorize Rob's rewritten lines and pass them off as ad libs during rehearsals. As such, Rob, taking the job out of fear of being fired, can't tell anyone besides Laura what he's doing, which Laura doesn't think will amount to anything positive for Rob. The "ghost" part of Rob's ghost writing job becomes jeopardized when Harper introduces rewrites that panic Alan into calling Rob to the rehearsal who introduces him as his tailor.

Writers: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Strother Martin, Carl Reiner, Sandy Kenyon, Richard Erdman

In complaining to Laura about how Alan Brady made Rob pretend to be a tailor, Rob adds that playwright Harper Worthington Yates asked Rob to make him three suits and a tuxedo. Later, Harper reminds Rob that he wanted three suits and a sports jacket, not a tuxedo.

30. 100 Terrible Hours

May 5, 1965

[reading a news report after many hours into the on-air marathon]
"On the lighter side: Local firemen were called out an hour ago to try and rescue a nine-week-old kitten stranded on top of a huge elm tree on Maple Street.
So far, the frightened cat has eluded their grasp.
[suddenly overcome with emotion] Poor little pussy-cat."

- Rob Petrie

During an interview, Rob recalls his barely-remembered first meeting with Alan Brady at the tail end of a stay-awake marathon for his disc-jockey job.

Writers: Bill Persky, Sam Denoff, Director: Theodore J. Flicker

Guest Stars: Carl Reiner, Fred Clark, Howard Wendell, Dabbs Greer, Harry Stanton

Rob's early career as a disc jockey was another facet of his character borrowed from real life. Dick Van Dyke hosted popular radio talk shows in Atlanta and New Orleans before he moved into television in the mid-1950s.

31. Br-room, Br-room

May 12, 1965

"Who's Doris?"

- Laura Petrie

"Doris is a girl I was with. She kept me out of trouble, honey."

- Rob Petrie

"You, uh... think so, huh?"

- Laura Petrie

Rob takes his new motorcycle out for a spin and unwittingly falls in with a gang of teenage bikers.

Writers: Dale McRaven, Carl Kleinschmitt, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Sandy Kenyon, Jimmy Murphy, Johnny Silver, Bob Random, Carl Reindel, Linda Marshall

In one scene, Dick stands in front of a billboard advertising a soft drink called Calvada. This is a reference to the legal partnership Calvada Productions, which produced "The Dick Van Dyke Show". A young and uncredited Gary Busey appears as one of the motorcycle gang members in the scene at the outside diner.

32. There's No Sale Like Wholesale

May 26, 1965

"Nobody questions my influence.
The name of Tony Morello is good all over this town. "

- Buddy Sorrell

Buddy always says "I could've gotten it for you wholesale" but always after the fact, so Sally dares him to prove it when Rob wants to buy Laura a fur coat, a decision Rob lives to regret.

Writers: Garry Marshall, Jerry Belson, Director: Jerry Paris

Guest Stars: Lou Krugman, Jane Dulo, Peter Brocco, A. G. Vitanza


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