Thou hast set me free.
That means that I am free to please thee. And I am going to please
thee very much. |
Thou deceived me. I should turn thee into
a serpent with two heads! |
Somehow I must find a way to please thee, Master. |
Thou art the most stubborn and ungrateful
master I have ever served. |
I will teach thee, Master. |
Oh, weather is weather. In ancient Persia
we had an old saying: Everyone talks about the weather, but no one
does anything about it. |
This is Nelson, flier through the moons of space.
This is Ali, killer of many giant men. |
Did you really mean it when you said that
I was the greatest thing that ever happened to you? |
I jest you not, Master. |
Are you not going to kiss me goodbye? |
Oh, no, no. I cannot read minds, Master.
Oh, but I have a friend, Nostradamus, who does a marvelous job of... |
Oh, cleverest master in all the world,
teach me the meaning of this strange incantation. |
Her vibrations are all wrong for you. |
Two thousand years ago, my sister made
better gravy than that. And she was the worst cook in the Middle East. |
No. I agreed because I did not know what
'platonic' meant. |
I would know more of this custom. |
It will be a welcome change from staying
home alone with my bottle. |
Why will you not let me
turn him into something? How about a frog? |
A secret mission, huh? She did not leave
many secrets! |
Oh I happen to have learned
a thing or two. From Galileo. |
Oh, Master, I'm sorry! I know you must
find this a little strange. |
Let me see now. A six letter word for rat. M-A-S-T-E-R. |
Rain? Oh... Four Corners! I left the water running! |
Terrible I have to make dinner. I mean
actually make it without magic.
We are liable to die |
I do not wish to be Queen of Basenji if I
must loose my Master. |
All I do is think and blink. |
A party! I Love parties. What should I wear? |
How is my Master ever going to please both
of you? |
Gold is not my color. |
Yes, this is a surprise. |
Oh, darling don't not be so modest. You
know you are a regular pool trout. |
Master is football more important to you
than I am? |
I have never had a birthday party Master. |
You are the bravest Master I ever had! |
The Haji's warning! I must have lost my powers. |
I am ready for the Cocca Beach Bank Master. |
Oh yes, Major Nelson and I are going to
Major Healy's house tonight for a party. |
You Can't Arrest Me, I
Don't Have a Driver's License. |
And I'm the lemon? |
I brought back the wrong astronaut. |
The connective over extends into the jibran. |
If you do not know I must be doing it wrong. |
Oh no, my Master has never bought me any clothes. |
Why did you not tell me you are going to
the moon with a woman? |
Oh be careful Master! Safe-crackers are
dangerous criminals! |
He is not your Master. He is my Master! |
Oh, but you are wrong Master. I already have. |
It's just a little thing
I blinked up. |
Who is Bonnie? |
It's a cashmere goat. |
And I am a genie! |
I was the millionth customer at Food City
so they made me Queen. |
Sister you kissed my Master and made him
think it was me! |
You mean you have ruined our anniversary
and made me the most unhappy
genie in the whole universe and just for a
silly old can of film? |
You're Major Anthony Nelson you pay two
lousy bucks an hour to cook and keep house for you. I can't stand
here and answer dumb questions. |
I have not seen my sister Jeannie in over
200 years. |
Oh, there is nothing wrong with my pipes. |
Gift? What kind of gift? |
Hello NASA, this is Jeannie Nelson. |
Of course I believe in
ghosts. Do you not believe in genies? |
My Neat Stuff Hall of Fame Look
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