Lassie and Timmy [as portrayed by Jon Provost] photo cover. Breeds of Dogs: The German Shepherd text article, script by Gaylord Du Bois, art by Bob Fujitani. The Fugitive, script by Gaylord Du Bois, art by Bob Fujitani; Lassie and Timmy are overcome by gas while pursuing a rampaging doe. Blaze Proves His Mettle, script by Gaylord Du Bois, art by Till Goodan; Blaze is trained to play polo and saves a child from a herd of frightened hogs. The Courage of Curly text story, art by Nat Edson. The Lost Plane, script by Gaylord Du Bois, art by Bob Fujitani; Lassie, Timmy, and Fred rescue a couple after their plane crashes in a storm. 36 pgs. Cover price $0.10.