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CIRCA 1976

First 30-cent cover-price. Origin retold and updated in “There Is No Hope in Crime Alley!”, script by Denny O’Neil, pencils by Dick Giordano, inks by Dick Giordano and Terry Austin (backgrounds); Every night on this date, Batman abandons all other crimes and missions and secretly heads to visit Leslie Thompkins; En route, Batman stops a car radio theft and two muggings; When one of the muggers pulls a gun on him in Crime Alley, Batman loses his temper and knocks the mugger silly while having a flashback of his parents’ murder and his “rescue” by a young Leslie Thompkins. “Make Way for the Elongated Woman!”, script by Bob Rozakis, art by Kurt Schaffenberger; Previously while fighting the siblings, Ralph’s powers wear off and he is captured; The villains demand he write Sue a note to bring him the source of his powers for the villains to use; He agrees but asks Sue to bring special rubber tree bark. Sue buys accordian arms and collapsible stilts, used under one of Ralph’s costumes to make it look like she has the same powers (in truth, Sue is allergic to gingold). Superman is featured in a one-page public service announcement, “Justice For All Includes Children!”, art by Neal Adams. Captain Marvel stars in a one-page Hostess ad, “The Cup Cake Caper,” art by Curt Swan. 36 pgs., full color. $0.30.